F O U R T Y - S I X

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I love and thank you all who have stuck with me and my story this long. I feel close to Lyra now, I've gotten to know her well through these chapters and felt her character grow, and I'm glad you all have been along for it. Lately, Lyra has been my safe place, I dove into her when I had to face the situation in the world, and I hope that she can be of some refuge for you during these difficult times we're all facing. And finally, thankfully, I have all of you, who have stayed with me to be my refuge. 

Thank you.  

The power stone tore through my mind. 

It ravaged my skin and tore through the solid thoughts that floated through my brain. It left holes in its wake, and the raw power  filled the emptiness it left. Euphoria tilted my head back and pulled flames from my skin. 

The world around me was burning. 

I could feel my fire being fueled by this power, purple started to pool into the blue, and the power stone was no longer held clenched into my fist and held within myself, but rising my flames. The heat was scorching, not even my immunity to my own flame stopped peppered burns from appearing on my skin, blistering my fingers where the flames wrapped themselves. Winds whipped my hair all around, where the ends were charred and were singing away. 

It took me a moment to realize what exactly that was doing to my surroundings. I  blinked, purple and black spots clouding my vision. All around me, people were screaming. They ran from me as if I held their lives in my hands, it took me too long to realize that I did. I whipped my head all around, taking in the destruction that unfurled all around me. Children of all colors ran from my flames, screaming for mothers and fathers who also succumbed to ash. 

Houses and buildings were ravaged with flame, large, blue tendrils of fire licking up the side of brick and stone, it didn't matter the substance. It wasted away.

Was I really doing this?

Get the stone. Burn anyone that stands in my way. 

The instruction rattled my bones, it arrived strongly with every doubtful thought that popped into my head, kept me walking forward with the power stone clutched in my fist to the extent of pain. My fingernails dug into my skin as the power roared through my veins. 

I had to find him. The man with purple skin, he needed the stone. I needed to give him the stone. 

I turned around, looking for this man who kept appearing in my head, instead, a different man appeared to me. 

He was not who I was looking for, long blonde hair instead of a bald head, and golden skin instead of purple. I disregarded him, he was not my purpose. I clenched my fists that I didn't recognize and moved my feet, walked away in search of my purpose when the whine of something moving quickly toward my head snagged my attention. 

I whirled around, just in time to stop the hammer that flew at my head. 

The man I'd so easily disregarded had his arm extended, his hand stuck in a throwing position as his hammer floated inches from my nose, a light skim of my flames stopping it from colliding with my bones. 

Burn anyone who stands in my way

The hammer flew back toward the blonde man, who grunted when he caught it, staring at me with wide eyes. I squinted at him, before taking a step toward him.  He threw his hammer again, but it slammed into a wall of flame I summoned, before the fire disappeared as he caught his weapon again. He threw it again, apparently not learning from his past actions. 

I kept walking

my fire lunged at him, and he swung his hammer in circles, dispersing the blue flames in a circle around him, pressing toward me slowly while grunting with the effort. The corner of my lip twitched, even while the odds were stacked against him, he persevered. 

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