T H I R T Y - O N E

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I guess sometime when I was lying there I had fallen asleep against his chest again, I didn't mean to but I was so comfortable and Loki was still as a board. A shift from Loki from behind me had me squinting my eyes to find the faintly glowing room that was almost completely black. I felt Loki's arms tighten around me when I tried to stand. His groan of protest carried in my ears, I hesitantly settled back against his chest, turning my head slightly toward him. I could barely see him in the dim lighting, but I could see the tired expression there.

"Don't go,"

His voice was broken, like a child scared to be alone for the first time, my heart broke and its contents spilled all over my feet. I hated seeing him this way, knew that he hated me seeing him like this, so I wedged my nose in the crook of his neck and lightly pressed my lips to his skin in a brief kiss. "I'm not going anywhere,"

Loki stiffened slightly, but then quickly relaxed, and I allowed myself to do the same. I snuggled my face in the crevice between his shoulder and neck, turning so I was facing him and I could wrap my arms around him. My heart was a roar inside my ears, I was suddenly aware of how long it's been since we've been this close, since we put aside our differences and held each other. Loki's breath was suddenly quicker as if he had the same realization, his hand crawled up my backside and held the small of my back and pulled me closer, every inch of space that was closed between us made my heart speed a little faster.

I pulled my head away from his shoulder and met his eyes, daring to crawl closer so I was practically sitting in his lap, his fingers curled around my chin and my arms were suddenly locked around his neck, our lips a hairs breadth away. Our breaths mingled and I felt his eyes boring into mine, as if debating if it be worth it to close this final distance between us. His fingers were practically shaking with restraint as they made their way up my spine and to my waist, snaking up my front. My lips quivered with the need to taste him, to hold the one I love so dearly despite all he's done.

He literally read my mind.

And then his lips met mine, softly, so slow and tender I melted under his touch. His hands ran slowly up from my stomach and all the way up my chest, up my neck, in my hair, tangling his fingers with my chocolate brown hair. He broke apart briefly, connecting our foreheads, I pressed myself against him, not okay with the sudden separation and feeling this impulsive need to feel him-

Loki, probably reading my thoughts again, sudden tugged me closer with ferocity; the months we've been always ten feet apart catching up in a short span of a few seconds, our lips colliding and his hands leaving my hair and back on my torso, bringing me so close that almost every inch of me was pressing against him, my fingers locked around his neck and I searched every inch of his mouth with my own. His lips trailed from my mouth and to my jaw, gently moving down and leaving trails of kisses from my chin and to my nape, bringing one hand to my jaw and tilting my head back with his thumb, my breath hitch in my throat as kissed my skin, my eyes hooded and I arched my back and tilted my head back further, my breathing turning ragged.

His lips found my collarbone, trailed a little lower and seemed disappointed to find my clothes forbid him from going any lower, but he didn't make any move to change that. And then he was just staring at me, as if it was the last time he would ever look at me, see the smile that was in my lips. "By the Gods, Lyra," He rasped, running his thumb over my lips, then gripping my chin and angling my head as if to kiss me again, but to my surprise, he didn't. He connected our foreheads lightly, hugging me tightly, and I never wanted to let go again.

"You destroy me," he said so quietly I barely heard it, it was barely a whisper. I brought myself away from him, staring at his face with a sad smile on my face. Then, trailing my eyes all over him, I saw it.

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