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Before Jane could say anything, I was already in the domain, standing before Mjolnir, Thor reaching out to it, I grunted and reached my arm toward Dygö, not really sure what I'd do with it, but a yell stopped me in my tracks. "We've got another!" A slurred voice yells. I look up to see someone standing on a platform, a bow aimed at my head. it wasn't the kind I'm familiar with and skilled with, it was mechanical with a red tipped arrow that made me furrow my brows. With a wave of my hand, the hand is knocked from the bow and the man is scrambling to reload it. I frowned, knowing I didn't have much time, but turned my attention back to Thor. I keep Dygö at my side and concealed beneath my trench coat, well, Jane's coat that she insisted I wear to cover the sword. I should've stopped him, but at the moment I was really interested to see if he could wield it. He takes one hard jerk at the hammer- it doesn't budge. I figured as much, but did feel a twinge is sympathy for Thor.

He tries again, once again it doesn't budge. He shrieks in frustration, pulling with all his might. I sigh as he turns to hurl punches at the men coming at him. With one sweep of my hand, I knock him on his butt and stare at the men with weapons turned toward me. "I yield." I said quickly, holding my hands up. They rushed toward me, men grabbed my wrists from the air and jerked them behind my back.


The Casket of Ancient Winters stood before me, I held it in my quivering hands, I could find the cold within it, beckoning to me, calling me home. What was I? The tips of my fingers started to fade blue, frost gathering as the blue spreads, proving my theory right. Rage and fear ripples through me, my hands feeling cold and strangely powerful.

What terrified me was that, for once, I felt like I was in my own skin, like I could finally see clearly.

Revolt rose in me and my hands begun shaking with the casket, Odin lied, I thought. My father lied to me. All those years, I had thought I was a freak of nature, different from all other Asgardians, I never had the body heat or the bright hair, the bulk or the charisma of Thor. I thought I was a freak.

I never thought that I might've been right all along.

"Loki, stop!" I hear someone's voice in the entryway of the treasure room. Odin. Odin who took Lyra away from me, who had the throne given to Thor. I place the Casket back down, I felt my body quiver with confusion, I turned toward my father slowly, and I knew what he saw. I wanted him to see the beast that stood before him, lied to his entire life. Blue, frozen skin, crimson red eyes. As any Jotun would look. The look of a monster,

Someone Lyra would fear.

"Father. " I had held my hand in front of my face, before letting it drop to my side. I gathered myself. "What am I?" I demanded, hating the quiver in my voice, the fear I knew was evident in my eyes. Odin's eye grows with shock, "What am I?!" I say, more loudly. I know that my eyes are rimmed with silver, though I fought it, but anger roiled inside of me and I made no move to fight that. I wanted Odin to see my anger. "You, you are Laufey's son." Odin says shakily. I was taken aback,Laufey, the God of War, was my father? "I found you when you were but a baby, cast out on a frozen rock." Odin grimly adds, such easy words. Such simple words that tear me in two and throw what's left of me all over the marble floors. He so easily turned years of lying and betrayal into two sentences.

A monster.

"You were lying to me." I say quietly, I met Odin's eyes. This time, I said it strongly and loudly. "You were lying to me!" I walked briskly down the stairway that led to the Casket, fury rolling of my tongue. "So that's all I am, a monster!?" I shouted, fury enveloping me and blinding me and I know that I can't go back, I'm so deeply rooted in the fury that I don't seem to care that I'm too far in. All of my years of rage come barreling out of my mouth, how he cast away Lyra, kept me in Thor's shadow.

The Light To His Lies (Loki)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن