A Moment To Save Someone

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Jade POV

"Your children were peaceful and kind and a breath of fresh air to be around" Jade preened as her children blushed at the compliment.

"Thank you so much. Tell your teacher bye girls" Beck held Goddess and Honey's hand as they turned to their teacher and waved and she held Luna's soft tender hand as their baby boys slept quietly strapped on her breasts.

"Bye-bye girls. See you tomorrow" They walked out the door to their car listening to their daughters' account of what their day as they drove to the ice cream parlor.

"We drew dolphins today, mooma. Dolphins so pretty"

"They are. They're also really really smart"

"I like that. I like dolphin"

"Do you like dolphins as well, honey?"

"Yes, I like butterfly more"

"That's good as well" She replied as they exited the car and entered the ice cream parlor where her kids marveled at the different colors of ice cream. She looks outside while Beck helped their daughters choose to see a beautiful black baby boy waving at her as his father tied his shoes. She smiled back and waved awwing at his dimpled smile.

She turns and accepts her ice cream cone from Beck as they all walked outside to sit in the breezy day. She sits down her daughters and as she lowers herself to sit as well it happened...


"Officer, my kid's here! He's crying, I have no gun! I HAVE NO GUN! I just came from Red Lobster to by my son a meal Pleaase!" The boy she had once waved was bawling as he held onto his father who was kneeling with unshed tears in his eyes, as their box of food splattered on the ground and three-armed police officers pointing guns at them.

"Stop talking and put your hands up or I will kill you!"

"My hands are up, officer. What did I do? We were just going home?!" Her eyes widen as one of the police officers readied his gun to shoot and the ice cream cone slipped from her hand as she ran to the scene.

Full of fear and anger, she stood in front of the man blocking him as tears streamed from her face as well as her babies as she shouted at the police officers to stop. Their face transforms to stunned silence as she stood in front of them and their guns visibly lowered.

"Get out of the way! Protect your children from this man! You could've been killed, young lady. Get up!"

"NO no no no no no! Put down your guns! He did nothing wrong, his kid is crying right now and you're pointing a gun at him! STOP!" Beck and their daughters are by her side trying to get her up as she holds tightly to the sobbing black man and child as the police quietly talked amongst themselves.

"Jade get up!"

"No! Beck, you get down! I'm not moving from here until they put down their guns and leave this man alone" Beck's eyes are pleading but she ignores them standing up for what felt right in her soul as the police officers slowly walk towards them.

"Don't come close! With those guns! Put them away! There are kids here! There is an innocent man here! Put down your guns" She sobbed, she cared not about the huge crowd forming pulling out their phones.

The leading cop sighed angrily handing his gun to hold to the other officer behind him as the stood back and put away their guns as he edged closer.

"You do all this for an n$gger, young lady" He scolded quietly disgust prevalent on his face.

"I do all this for a man who did nothing wrong"

"You hear that, boy? You're lucky today! Your death won't be by me... maybe we'll meet again. You be very grateful that this white woman saved your life, you hear me?" The black man quickly nodded holding tight to his son and her trembling hand. She looked on disgusted as he walked to his fellow officers as she quickly remembered their badge numbers and names as they hopped in their car and drove away.

She only got up then as she lifted the man on the ground before her and held him in a tight scared yet triumphant embrace.

"You just saved me and my son's life. Thank you so much"

"I shouldn't have to. That was so so wrong and I'm sorry you have to go through that. I'm so sorry"

"Daddy, I want to go home. I'm scared" he detached from her bending to hold on to his son.

"We will be going home. Remember what I thought you in these situations, okay? Next time, you walk away from me, okay? I will never forgive myself if you get hurt. You have to walk away from me and tried to get a phone call at a store so your're mom can come for you. Next time, you walk away and don't turn back. You act like you don't know me, okay?" His son sobbed nodding quickly, "If I'm shot or detained, you continue walking. If I don't come home, you take care of your mom and detach yourself from my name. Why are you going to do that, son?"

"Because they might kill me too"

"Remember that next time, okay?" She couldn't listen anymore as she clutched to Beck whose heart was frantic and full of their crying daughters.

"Shhh. it's okay. I took a video it's okay"

"He could've died, Beck. You heard what he told me, he was going to kill him. I'm so sorry"

"Shhh, we'll make this right" The crowd around them had gotten larger as they tried to figure out what had happened and she turned to the man who was walking away and called out.

"Please, we have video footage. I'm an eye witness, we have evidence to get those cops locked up"

"With all due respect, This case will not get off the ground. We will just be wasting resources and putting our lives at risk. The most that will happen is he will lose his job and he will still be an evil man with the power to use a gun, to fire a gun, and to hunt me and my family down for revenge" The father then lowered himself to move their splattered food and she stopped him.

"I'll clean it up, let my boyfriend. Please pay for your food"

"I-I can't burden you with that"

"It's not a burden, you've been through enough. It will make my heart light just to be able to buy you some food" 

"Okay" She looked over his tired defeated form and vowed that she was going to do something for him and his family so he could have justice.

"What's your name?"

"Marcus King and this is Javonte Leonard King"

"I love you both and I'm sorry for what you had to endure today. You saved me today from ever becoming that vile monster those three officers were and I will make sure that my children and my seed will NEVER contribute to that type of evil in this world"






White Silence is always in favor of the oppressor. Use your voice. Use your platform and protect Black lives- my life as we fight for equal rights and justice for every Black person wrongfully murdered because of their skin color. I love my supporters of each race and will fight for each of you if ever time permits. Stay strong. Stay empowered. Stay aligned with the right movement.

I hope my story brings peace in this trying time of change.

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