You're Unique To Me

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Jade POV

"Cat open the damn door. It's hot out here" She shouted at the door.

"I'm coming" Cat sing-songed back and soon enough the pat of her feet came to the door opening it. She instantly engulfed her in a hug, she hugged her back just as tight.

"You okay? You sounded worried as hell"

"Yess, I am" She stepped aside and Jade walked into her house. She found her way to Cat's living room taking a seat and basking in the cold A.C. Cat had lemonade and donuts sat on the coffee table for her and even Scissors rested at the side.

Cat knew her so well. She loved to occupy her hands during serious conversations so she knew this was going to be serious. She picked up a donut and bit into it. Cat sat next to her resting her head on her lap.

"Pet me"

"Why? Are you a Cat?" She still started petting her hand running her hands through Cat's hair.

"I'm super stressed"

"Start yapping then"

"I think I'm pregnant"

"What!" She looked down at Cat. Cat's eyes immediately started watering.

"You have sex?" Cat giggled then.

of course, I have sex, we've had sex" Cat replied wiping at her eyes.

"oh yeah but that's between us girls but with Robbie yuck" She faked puking and Cat turned red with laughter

"staawwwp jade, you're making me laugh and I'm serious"

"Okay fine, why do you think you're pregnant?"

"I haven't gotten my period and I've been feeling nauseous"

"Did you take a pregnancy test?"

"No, I wanted you here. Jadey I can't be pregnant...I ain't finished school or even done what I've been wanting to do with my life but if I am, I'll want to keep it"

"Listen... pregnant or not,  I'm still here. I'll be there like I'm the father and Robbie will be too even Rex. I'll rub your feet and go to every meeting with you. You won't be alone"

"I know you would be. I'm just so terrified"

"I knowww. Let's do the test and see what we're doing next" Cat got up and handed her a test that wasn't a pregnancy test.

" Cat this is not a pregnancy test" She rolled her eyes at Cat's weirdness. Cat really was special. She ordered one to the house and went into the bathroom with her. Watching her awkwardly pee on the test and rest it on the counter. She set the timer and they both waited hugging each other tightly.

"Okay timer's up" Cat picked up the test with eyes closed and opened them slowly to one line. Jade watched as her shoulders visibly relaxed. 

"I can't begin to express how freaking happy I am right now"

"Congratulations kitten, You're not a mommy " She remarked, "Let's take a shot to that"

"Oh yes please. I want Bibble tooo"

"Ohh no to Bibble. You are not getting addicted to that stuff again"


"No! If I see you with Bibble, I'll CUT YOU" Cat sighed loudly before muttering a sad fine.

"And be more careful with your coochie action before you really have a baby kitten" They both giggled as she shared out some shots and Cat looked for a show.

"Crazy how I'm a momma right now. My kid asks me so much questions on a daily. I don't know what to say at times. I mean I'm going to music school not Harvard and I'm not the smartest. What if she comes out of this project a lil dumb because of me" Cat rambled. 

She really did feel it for Cat. She had soo much trauma that cause her to be stunted mentally but she was healing from it. That didn't mean she was completely normal. She still acted and thought like a child.

She was just as curious as one too. Always having a question that needed an answer so she could understand how that overwhelmed her.

"That's okay, Cat. It's okay to not have all the answers. Your kid won't become dumb and you're not either. You're kinda lost at times but so are all of us. It's okay to tell your kid to hold on a minute and look it up or let Richard chime in. Make it a game, when she asks something you don't say, let her know you don't know and look it up with her like how Dora does it"

"I'll try too. Thank you Jade for being here....and putting up with me. I feel the most special with you"

"You are" She gave her a kiss on her head before handing her the shot, "To me.... you are you Cat and that makes you unique"

Tori POV

"Robbie, don't forget to burp him when he wakes up okay, and Dylan has school too so dress it nicely."

"Damn Toriii, we know how to take care of kids" Rex replied.

"Rex hush"Robbie said apologizing to her. She rolled her eyes picking up her bags.

"I'll be back by tomorrow morning. Please let me come back to everything all together and the kids safe"

"You will don't worry....Where are you going anyways?"

"Going downtown to meet with someone. I'll be back soon enough just please make sure the kids are okay"

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