First Day Of School

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Jade POV

She woke up early.

She was nervous and excited about her kids' first day of preschool. She took a long shower, wrapping her body in a towel as she maneuvered into the kitchen taking out bacon, eggs, and cheese. She hummed to a silent tune in her head as she chopped the bacon up, putting the oil to heat and dishing them into the pan.

While she stirred that, she cracked 10 eggs adding a sprinkle of salt and black pepper before grating cheese into the mixture. She poured the mix into the pan stirring it until it was well cooked and set it aside after transferring it into a dish. She put on a new pan with fat sausages as she prepared the ingredients to make some pancakes, baby milk and mac and cheese.

She watched Scooby-Doo while she made some grapefruit juice, finished cooking and packed her dumplings bags. When she was finished, she went back into their bedroom walking Beck who insisted on kissing her to bed. She giggled pulling him up.

"Get up and shower. I'll have your clothes on the bed for you" She walked into the kid's rooms waking them up and getting them ready. She curled Honey and Luna's hair, giving Luna two Bantu knots in front and Honey a slicked bun so the teacher could deferrientate between them. She then let them go eat while she dressed Goddess with her cute self. She put her in a pink onesie and put a bando into her growing hair,

"Love mama"

"Love baby too" She replied kissing her nose getting a slobbery kiss. She gave her to Beck who carried her outside to fed her the bottle she had made for her. She then woke up Derek and Joshua bathing them both with Beck's help as Luna and Honey watched their baby sister outside.

"You feeling good today, babe?" She held Derek up as Beckgently poured water over his skin.

"Yes, I do. I just hope everything goes okay with them and school. I can't handle my kids being bullied, I'd really cut someone"

"Don't worry, hon. They'll be good and we'll be good" He kissed her lips sweetly smiling into her neck, "I love how my kids sound on your tongue" She blushes laying her head on his as he breathed into her neck.

"Our kids" They finished up bathing them and changed them into a simple Campari and shirt. She went outside getting her girls into their school uniforms before putting on her outfit.

A simple white long-sleeved blazer dress with some black high heels. Beck wore black pants, a slightly unbuttoned shirt, and an opened black jacket. He looked sexy as fuck.

She already packed their lunch kit with Mac N Cheese, fruits, a juice box, and some crackers. 

"Okay, everyone come into the family circle" Her babies ran to join Beck and her as they held Derek and Joshua.

"First, I want to say I love you all so much. As I woke you up today, I wanted to let you know that I know what it's like to be the new kid and wondering if you'll make friends. Believe in yourself, be yourself wholly and be kind. I wanted you to know that this is the path of finding yourself as a person socially and physically. You'll spend your whole life doing this so make sure you're most comfortable with yourself as you go along this journey. I wanted you to know that people will love and some will hate you. Both are no fault of yours, you remain yourself and the people that deserve you will come to you. Today might be scary but soon you'll know every student and teacher like the back of your hand and it'll become so familiar to you. Smile as well, a smile is the opening of one's soul to another. It's okay to have only one friend" She croaked out getting emotional as she continued, "It's okay not being popular. It's okay being you and having one friend who sees that. Not everyone will have the same views as you so embrace them but that doesn't mean you have to comply with their views. Agree to disagree sometimes. I just want you to know that you all are special and I'm not crying because I'm sad. I'm crying because I'm happy you are growing and that I'm brave enough to allow you guys out of my sight for so long"

"Also be patient with yourself. It's okay to not always be the best just try your best. You each are capable of anything you set your mind to. Don't let your friends or classmates opinions of you change you. You girls are the beautifulest children a father could have and I'm happy that I get to come home to you. We believe in you and support you through everything. When you're sad, we'll be here with ice cream and Disney movies, If you're happy, we have ice cream and Disney movies" They all laughed as she was smuddered with hugs, "I love you and your mom loves you and that's most important at the end of the day. Now group hug" They hugged for a long time before standing up and getting ready to head out.

"Mommy, would the teacher love me?"

"Of course, she will and if she doesn't then know we love you"

They reached her school and classroom in no time. It had a block area, a dramatic play area, a science area, a library, and an arts area and the walls were painted in smiling flowers and happy princesses. Their teacher was a young thirty six-year-old lady wearing a floral dress and a bright smile.

She wanted to cry again but she sucked it up kissing their cheeks and tickling their chins. They kissed their brothers and then their father before coming to her again.

" Behave well, make friends and learn alright?"

"Love you"

"Love you too"

"Love you more"

"What about Daddy" They giggled running into his arms and planting a wet kiss on his cheek.

"Love you darling"

"Bye" they rushed off into the distance to their teacher greeting her with wide smiles. They walked to the teacher shaking her hand.

"Good Morning, I'm Jade Oliver"

"I'm Beck Oliver and those bright little girls is ours"

"They're the sweetest girls"

"Thank you, I just wanted to know if all the paperwork was submitted and if there is anything I need to be notified of"

"Well, I have to check for paperwork but as of right now I want you to know that they'll have an amazing day today and I'll take care of your kids like they are my own. You have nothing to worry about"

"Thank you for the reassurances" She shuffled into her bag taking out a card and handed it to the teacher.

"This is our numbers if anything. We'll be going" They left and she hugged Beck trying her best not to run back in there.

"How about a day at the beach today?"

"I'd love that"


Where It BeganOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz