I Could Fix

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She loved Jade. She really did.

But a lot of people loved Jade. Not a lot of those people were loved back by Jade though.

Jade loved a selectively few.

She knew she loved Cat.

Warm, soft...stupid Cat but unique she was. She adored Cat who was her complete opposite. She saw it in the twinkle of her eye when she watched Cat ramble about dumb stuff. Cat had a soft spot in Jade's heart. 

Cat had memories with Jade and they were a lot. Sometimes Cat would go down memory lane talking about their shared past but then she'll smile to herself and mumble that she wanted to keep that to herself before the story even finished.

Everyone wanted a moment with Jade they could keep to themselves.

Even she.

She wanted everything that came with Jade. Like Lady Gaga's Bad romance. She wanted it all.

Jade was sooo much of everything to her.

Jade didn't want her though.

She wished that the first time they met could've been different. If she had known how much she loved Beck, she wouldn't even have looked at him that day.

That day affected anything Jade would think of her after that.

Jade would've loved her too. She and Jade would be magic.

She fucked it up tho.

She didn't know when she fell for Jade but she didn't regret it one bit.

Even after all that has happened.

She sighed getting up with her beautiful child in her hand and carried her baby to her bed.

She was so tired and sorry for what she had said to Jade. She didn't mean it, didn't know. She was just so frustrated.

Beck would always be a part of Jade. They were combined at the limbs from the moment they met. She should've known better than to intervene. She could've just joined that connection like Cat did.

It was Beck and Jade. Jade and Beck. And Cat.  Sometimes And Robbie.

If she had known, it would've been Jade and Beck. Beck and Jade. And Tori.

She wondered if she could fix it now.

Would she be able to get Jade alone again to just talk?

Jade was closed off the moment she got in the house because she was trying to get her and her only but Jade was a packaged deal at least for now.

That first day, she should've kissed Jade. Beck wouldn't resent her. It would've been a different story.

That night if she had opened her eyes, she would've seen that Jade loved for a long time. Beck was her long time and anyone else after would have to accept that.

Tori was too jealous to realize that but she did now.

She could fix this. There was still a chance.

All she needed to do was reach Jade's heart in a way no one had.

She needed to bring Jade healing and in the form of something pertaining to her mom.

She got out her computer and started searching. Messaging her dad to pull up files on her deceased mom. Jade would forgive her if she brought her something of her mom's and she would go to the ends of the world to find it.

Jade could love her.

She just needed to fix all the problems her clouded jealousy caused.

Starting with Ms. Ezzie Jade West.

Can you all help me choose Jade's mom?

This beautiful woman right here?

or this beautiful woman right here?

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or this beautiful woman right here?

or this beautiful woman right here?

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