The Beach and The Unspoken.

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Jade POV

She wipes her eyes lays her head on Beck's shoulder. The sun is a soft heat on her drying cheeks as she looks on at the beautiful waves dancing and crashing against the shore. They both were peacefully silent just looking at the beautiful view.

"You okay, baby?" As he says this and the words penetrate her. She thinks of him and if he was alright. As the waves crash she sees that night and it urges her to speak out it especially in this space of calm.

"Are you okay? We- we've never talked about that night. I never got to ask if you were okay and if you were fully healed from that experience. I never got to be there as you are for me"

"Umm," He coughs nervously, his shoulders tensing.

"You don't have to tell me if you don't want to. You don't have to force your truth, I'll listen to as much as you'll give"

"I trust you," He says more to himself than to her.

"It was hard to umm swallow in the beginning and we weren't together so I was so stressed. I was heartbroken and felt like I wasn't a man anymore, I felt like seeing you riding- that um just set me off and I got into drinking. I just didn't want to think or feel anything and I didn't have anyone. No other guys that were raped clubs were available and Andre was my best friend and I couldn't even go to him. I felt lonely for a long time and angry and disgusted with myself until I saw you one day, way after school was finished sitting with a homeless man at a corner. You seemed so happy at that moment and I realized I wanted that peace and I needed to find the help I need for myself. I had to live and heal myself first before anyone else. I ended up going to therapy and was doing well then Ana came again. She started blackmailing me and then soon enough I had the victim loving their offender phase. I thought loving them made what she did more okay, less than rape so I wouldn't have to deal with the repercussions of what she did me. I had sex with her to erase the memory of when she had sex with me. I loved her so I wouldn't hate myself- I don't know how to explain it really well. I felt better making you hurt because what happened that night had really scarred me but this project just gave me a sense of innocence again- a reason to smile, a reason to forgive and love"

She didn't know what to say. Her tears had soaked through his shirt and her mind had silenced speechless as she was.

"I-I'm sorry. I don't know how I'll ever make this up to you, but for the rest of my life, I'll love you and everything you chose to give me. What can I do to make this right? What can I say? I- I can't ever forgive myself for that night"

"Just love me as you love me now and forgive me for everything, the pain I've caused you. I wasn't a good boyfriend to you most times and I allowed people to think they could take your place but I won't do that ever again. I'm growing and I hope that one day I can be complete enough to love you.

"You're complete enough already. I vow to be a better girlfriend as well, I promise to trust you more and have more faith in our love. I love you and I'm so sorry you had to go through that for me to truly see it."

"We were so young" He turns to her wiping her cheeks, "Still young but more more hmmm...."

"More grown into ourselves"

"That's right... You ready to leave and head home"

"Only if we can watch Bad Company"

"I can't argue with that, love"

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