So Beautifully Created

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Jade POV

"What the fuck is wrong with you?"

"Nothing" she huffed and Jade rolled her eyes pulling her unto her bed.

"Listen here, Tori. I know you like or feel some type of way for Beck or me, I don't give a fuck but all I want you to do is act like everything is fine because I'll make everything in your life NOT fine"

She gulped and nodded and Jade gave her a quick smile before walking out to take a quick shower.

After drying her hair she put on a back out top and some denim jeans.

After drying her hair she put on a back out top and some denim jeans

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"Babe you look snackish" Beck complimented kissing her cheek.

"I always look snackish just how you always stay fly"

"I wish we could sleep in on the beach"

"It's never to late to back out on our plans"She pouted but he shook his head kissing her forehead softly.

"We already planned to go maybe after we can watch the sunset"

"Are you okay?"

"About what?"

"Now that I think about it, I don't want not giving you sex to make you consider cheating" She whispered and he raised her head and frowned.

"I love you and only you and just like I waited for our first time, I can wait now"

"You sure cause I'm not even mad anymore"

"I'm positive that you'll win this"

"What if I don't want to win this?"

"So are you sexually frustrated now?"

"Puff no"She rolled her eyes fidgeting "At the end of the day you're the one with the dick that's all I'm going to say"

"If you say so but wait did you and Tori get in a fight?"

"No, she's better now"

"YOU made her feel better"

"Aren't we friends?"

"I don't think you guys could ever be friends after the text Sitchowiz just gave me"


"He wants me and Tori to make a movie skit where we get married and have kids with a bed scene"


"Please don't freak out"


Where It BeganOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant