Beck's Handy Helper

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Beck POV

Everyone was already asleep so he decided to take a shower. The water was cold on his skin but he loved it.

Jade loved cold water and he loved to see her in it. He stepped back a bit and  hands wrapped around his waist. He jumped and turned to see Jade biting her lips while her hair stuck to her skin and eyes pierced his.

"I did promise to help you" She dropped to her knees and his heart started beating fast. She looked up at him smiling while water beat down on their bodies. His penis stared at her and she played and bounced it a bit before placing it in her mouth.

Her warm tongue and mouth made him moan until his knees were weak. She back him into the wall and pumped him repeated sucking him slighty. he looked down at her and she swallowed all of him quirking up and eyebrow.

"That mouth of yours" She sucked and massage his balls until he was ready to cum and when he signified that she got out the shower.

"Jade please"

"I said I'll help you a bit, you finish it off" she laughed walking out the bathroom. He stayed into the shower a little longer and silently cursed that dumb bitch who had to hug him and get him in this position.

He put on his pjamas and grumpily watched Jade sleep. She was so peaceful when she slept that all frustration with her went.

It was his fault anyway and If he kept pushing She'll think he only wants her for sex. The only reason to get out of this was treat her like his baby girl and stay away from any other girl for the rest of their life.

He soon fell asleep in a peaceful slumber.


He woke up to Jade's bright eyes staring down at him. He smirk still tasting Listerine in his mouth so he freely opened his mouth.

"So we're watching each other sleep now"

"No I was just thinking how ugly you are and how to fix it" He pulled her into him and started ticking her until she caved.

They kissed with soft smiles and a couple aww's gained their attention.

"Shut up" Jade growled kissing his nose.

"We decided on going to the new restaurant, y'all coming?"

"Yes but after we're going home" His heart fluttered at the use of the word home. Cat came an kissed Jade's cheek before handing her a lollipop.

He outstretched his hands and Cat came into the embrace.

Their little baby who added to the family.

"Whatever let's get change and go" Tori snapped and Jade sharply watched her making her cower away.

"I need to speak to you ALONE"


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