Flew Right By

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Jade POV

4 months have gone.

Andre was still in the hospital and near the verge of getting his life support pulled.

4 months that Jack and her kept the secret that Beck was at fault.

4 months since they have broken up and no one but Cat knew why.

Beck had changed, they both had become shadows of themselves.

He was a bad boy now that got revenge on her any chance he could.  He started dating Ana and she remained single.

She and Robbie were now best friends and Tori was in her own little bubble not knowing what was happening.

She needed changed so she dyed her hair and changed her clothing choice and Beck tore her down piece by piece when they were alone.

She had just come out of a class and needed a break so she headed to the janitor's closet but wished she didn't.

Beck had Ana up on a wall thrusting in to her and when he saw her by the door thrusted harder and longer.

She quickly slammed the door  feeling warm tears fall down her face.

He was so beautiful without her. He outgrew his hair and And took any opportunity to ran her hands through it, he smiled more but she didn't know if it was real.. It had to be real.

She wished she could fix everything again.


She stood quietly as everyone in her assigned class were partnered for the parent project they had.

"Tori and Robbie"

"Ana and Jacob"

"Richard and Cat"

"Samantha and Nickel"

" Melissa and George"

"Diamond and Tryese"

"Jade and Beck" Her heart stopped when she heard their both names together. Everyone turned to them already knowing that match was made in hell and them taking care of a child together wasn't a good idea.

"Change our names" Beck demanded but the teacher sharply shook her head and gave them both a warning glance.

"If you want to stay in this school, you do what is asked of you"

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