Thank You

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I want to personally thank each and every reader of this story. Because of your visits, likes, views and follows, I continuously stay encouraged and keep pushing along on this arduous yet totally rewarding writing journey. I, however, decided to share my stories with the rest of the world in hopes to encourage, inspire, motivate and help someone else.

Let's face it: Writing is hard. If you are a writer, you completely understand this pragmatic yet very logical statement. What makes story writing even harder for writers especially is the fact that we bravely present our thoughts, experiences, ideas, musings and meticulous works to a mysterious audience, leaving a risk for criticism, scrutiny and negative commentary. I am humbly grateful to have very consistent, patient and supportive onlookers. Thanks!

Wait! Don't get me my message misconstrued. I immensely enjoy sharing, posting, venting and exploring in this space. Regardless, I still write because it is the force within me. It is because of you that I continuously record, share and write .When I made this story I didn't know many people would read it.And you caught me by surprise so thank you.I read a one shot and thought to myself it shouldn't be over there.

Thank you so much for being #4 In Beck which is a tremendous achieved knowing how much books I'm up against.

Story will be updated very soon.

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