Only one's like us

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Contains triggers and a MAJOR PLOT TWIST y'all

Jade POV

"I don't know why I tried to kill myself when we got back together. I was just so happy and one night I just was soo fucking sad and I just wanted to end it all. I didn't think of you, or my dad, my mom anyone I just wanted to feel the darkness consume me. You saved me tho and sometimes I'm so happy you did but then some days I wish you didn't. I don't wish you didn't anymore so I count that as growth. You loved me despite that, despite the nasty rumors and the crazy episodes and I'm so thankful.  I think when you cheated, it always stood at the back of my mind that when I was too much to handle, you might cheat so when I walked in that night and saw you and her after we were going good. We weren't arguing, we were our healthiest yet at that moment it was like you cheated on me either I was good or bad. Like I wasn't good enough either way. It felt like I was hard to handle like a fucking child and I was a bore when I was good. I felt boxed in and I made the stupidest fucking choice. I went home and Jack and Jack just showed up out of nowhere. I was just so distraught and thinking about a drunk threesome when we had officially broken up and I remembered you were pissed about it but you confessed you slept with someone else and we moved on so I asked them to get back at you. It was so so stupid but I just thought they'll say no and send my ass to bed but they didn't and I just decided to just do it. Then I knew Andre sleeping with me would break your heart so I did it. I just wanted you to feel my pain. For you to see that we had been through that cycle so many times and I was fed up and wanted you to feel what was in my heart. That day, I drank for hours and hours and Jack came to me and said maybe we didn't have to have sex. We could've acted like it so we did"

"Wait what?"

"I didn't really have sex with any of them. I thought I was but Jack reminded me one night after we broke up that I actually had on a fake vagina panty that he had brought at a sex shop that made me feel the sensations of sex but no dick was inserted inside of me. I thought he was lying until he actually showed me them so basically they knew I would regret my decisions and found a loophole. Andre and I never really had sex, I did suck his dick tho and probably the Jack's. I really can't remember all of that night at all. When you confessed, you were raped. I felt so fucking bad and dumb and I'm so sorry about it"

"Wait wait wait. I still stuck on the fact that you didn't have sex with them?"

"Yes, The panties had a kind of cylinder shape inside that was a few inches away from my vagina and every time they inserted their dick inside the fake vagina it'll stop at the end of the cylinder, it just made a tingling buzz on my actual vagina nothing more"

(Those are really real btw. Too graphic to add a pic.)

"Pull up a pic, babe. I need to see this like I don't know if to be relieved or more confused"

"Beck, I'm pouring out my emotions here. This is the longest I've ever talked about anything like this, it sorta feels nice"

"I know but this first" She stretched for her phone and pulled up a pic and Beck examined the picture and just started deliriously laughing.

"What the actual fuck" He giggled.

"You're so weird, beck"

"Can't be weirder than this. I'm honestly deeply glad to know this. Why didn't  you tell me sooner?" He passed a strand of her hair behind her ear-tickling her just a bit.

"It was hard for me to believe so I was guessing it'll be worst for you then I did suck their dicks and kissed them and basically cheated still, I didn't think it'll be right for me to spring that on you and expect you to believe me. I'm so embarrassed about it too, everyone involved is except Andre who thought he was really having sex with me. I just feel like a huge fucking slut when I think about it"

"I believe you and I'm happy to know this. You're not a slut, we've both made mistakes and fucked over each other. I've purposely made you jealous to hurt before and I cheated first. I started this cycle and you ended it. We're young asf and 10 years from now when we're married and have kids. We wont even remembering that childish shit, we're maturing- I mean most couples can't even talk this bluntly and honestly with each other. We're doing something right for me to love you even more despite that and for you to love me despite all my flaws and mistakes. I forgive you and I know it won't happen again cause we're getting better at this relationship stuff"

"You're right, we are maturing and getting better. but you still want to marry me? After all this?"Her eyes were wet with unshed tears.

"Of course, you're the only person I see in my future right by my side. You are the only one for me. When we're old, one day I'll look over at you and say Couples who slut together, stay together"

"Oh my god"She cackled, " You're such a weirdo. This isn't how couples take these kinds of things"

"We're not couples. We're Jade and Beck. Only one's like us"

"I fucking love you, Beck. I will legit carry your children and be another amazing girlfriend and wife to you. No one else will ever get that, ever ever. Not in this lifetime or the next"

"I know and I know. I'll make sure 10 years from now, you'll be the happiest you ever been for the rest of your life"

"I'm my happiest in this moment right now"She kissed his tender lips feeling an expanse of goosebumps rising on her skin. He was everything to her.

"I love you Jadelyn"

"I love you too, Beckaroo. Now let me finish DAMMM"

"Maybe next time, Let's shower and cuddle. I'm feeling Wall-E tonight"

"You're really over the situation and fully forgiving me, hun"

"I have. A long time alone"

"Thank you, beck. It means so much"

"I know, babe. Now come on before the kids wake up!"

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