"Did you know I worked with chan? Is that why you dated me?"

Seonghwa's question took me by surprise as he was so cold and looked at me like I was disgusting.

"N-no..Why would I do that... who do you think I am?! I spent 2 years trying to run away from that part of my life, why would I voluntarily go back? D-do you really think I would do that.."

I felt tears prick my eyes before I cover my face trying not to let Seonghwa watch me break down.

"You're expecting me to believe that you just magically dated the guy who is your ex's manger?!"

I wiped my eyes as I became angry instead of upset...

"I never asked you to flirt with me at my work! I never asked you to slip your phone number to me! You made the first move Seonghwa so stop painting me as the bad guy just because you want to feel like the victim!"

I stood up and went over to my door. I opened it harshly before glaring back at a very shocked and taken back Seonghwa sat on my sofa.

"Now go before I regret anything!"

I shout at him as he stands up cautiously and walks out the door standing there perplexed.

"Felix I'm sorr-"

"Save your breath Seonghwa and just go..."

And with that I slammed my door closed in his face and walked back to bed... gosh! What a prick!

Just because he's so obsessed and so far up Chan's ass he'll make me look like the bad guy!

Even after I told him about my past... what a fucking bastard... date him because he's Chan's manager... pfttt.. what a fucking idiot to think that.. I almost broke up with him because of that.

I shouldn't worry.. I should just get some sleep...


I just feel lighter, like life is amazing again... like I have a purpose again...

You know what else... I also have inspiration to write songs again.. like a ton, happy ones this time. No more heart break.. no more hurt.

I was at the studio and it was the morning after I spoke to Felix and my heart just feels so full.

"Oi what's up with you Mr smiley-face?"

Jisung said with a hum and I just smiled at my youngest friend.

"Oh nothing~ you know life is just so amazing. Do you know that Jisung?"

"Okay something happened, spill."

Changbin turned around in his chair and stared at me, so did Jisung they both stared at me as if they were examining me.

"Okay~ I'll tell you but you can't tell Seonghwa anything. Otherwise I'll rip your ball sacks off."

The boys both nod scared and I smile happily.

"So Felix and I may or may not be getting back together..."

Jisung and Changbin's eyes both go wide as their smiles grow bigger and bigger before they stand up and hug me.

"Chan! This is amazing! I'm so happy for you!"

"Wait..." Changbin pulls away and stands in front of me with his hands in his hips. "Isn't Felix dating-"

"Morning guys..."

"Seonghwa! H-hey mate!"

Suddenly Seonghwa entered the studio and we all turned to greet him nervously, but as he look at him we realise he had big bags under his eyes and he looked so tired.

"You okay Seonghwa?"

I ask as he looked up and gave me a thumbs up.


I look at Changbin and Jisung carefully before I look back at Seonghwa.

"You can tell us if anything is wrong Seonghwa..."

Suddenly Seonghwa looked up at me and glared. What's his problem-

"Can I? Can I really Chan? Because it seems you've been keeping something quite big from me..."

Seonghwa retorted as his fist clenched. I look over at Changbin and Jisung and indicate for them to leave Seonghwa and I alone.

"What do you mean.."

I lean back onto my desk as Seonghwa chuckles lowly.

"Felix told me everything last night... were you really not going to tell me?"

Felix told him already? God... I guess he's as eager as me to start up our relationship..

"Alright I'm sorry Seonghwa... but Felix is my soulmate and forever will be and I'm sorry if he picked me over you..."

I watched as Seonghwa looked taken back.


"You said Felix told you... me and him are getting back together...right?"

Suddenly panic set in as I realised that's not what Seonghwa meant.

"Felix never told me that... god that little brat!"

"Hey! Don't you ever insult Felix like that!"

Seonghwa suddenly stood up with a glare that could kill, fuck this guy can be so scary. He better not have ever treated Felix like this...

"Well chan how would you feel if your boyfriend promised his ex boyfriend they'd get back together, whilst he's still dating you?! How would you fucking feel!?"

Seonghwa shouted as he spat out on fury. He was so angry that his fingernails dung into his palm and made them bleed.

"Calm down Seonghwa! Look what you're doing to yourself..." I grabbed him and pushed him back down into the chair behind him. He was clearly still angry, but he calmed himself down with a few deep breaths. "I'm sorry mate... it's all my fault. I was the one who went to pursue Felix and... and I guess old feelings never die... Felix and I have a really strong connection Seonghwa..."

I looked into Seonghwa's eyes and I could see how hurt he was but he still seemed understanding.

"So you're telling me Felix didn't make the first move on you? That you wanted him back... Felix didn't want you back at first?"

Seonghwa asked cautiously. He seemed tense and guilty.

"Yeah... Felix actually rejected me twice, to be honest I've always been the one to pursue Felix. He really does like you Seonghwa... but-"

"But I fucked up... aish! Chan... I understand why Felix picked you... I'm such a shit boyfriend..."

Seonghwa put his head in his hands as he sighed heavily. I watched as he got up and shook himself around.

"Alright chan... I'll let you win this time.. but it's only because I care about Felix and I know you'll take care of him... however! If I find out you pushed him away and break his heart again I won't hesitate to break you..."

Seonghwa threatened me before he racked his hand through his hair frustratedly.

"Thanks mate... I promise to keep him safe.."

Seonghwa sighs before giving me a small smile and left. I guess I should be grateful.. Seonghwa just gave Felix up for me, so Felix could be happy...

He really did care for him... but I'll make sure Seonghwa doesn't regret this. Felix will be the happiest person ever I'll make sure of it.

Because I love him...

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