sixty-nine; makeover

Start from the beginning

"We were going to do a music video for the Web site," Kurt began.

Rachel interjected quickly, "He just adores you—"

"Rachel and Winona were going to get a makeover, and were going to model some clothes."

"Stop," Said Isabelle, repeating it four or five times, "You had me at makeover."

And so they got to work, Kurt and Isabelle picking out everything from skirts, to dresses, and everything in between. They tried on and  posed in the outfits, getting it all on film for the fashion video rough cut.

After that, everyone went home, the girls more than happy with their new wardrobes. As Winona opened the door to her apartment— trying to as quiet as possible to not wake Elliott, she noticed him sitting on the couch.

"Gilbert? What in earth are you doing up? It's like, 3am."

"There was a Drag Race marathon, I couldn't not watch it," He explained, "what about you? you left at 11:30 and disappeared for almost four hours."

She held up the bags of clothes, grinning, "Did you not notice my new outfit? I got a makeover!"

"I knew there was something different about you!" Elliott chimed, kicking off the blanket he had on his lower body and setting down his bag of chips on the coffee table, "Well, you have to show me these new clothes of yours."

Setting the bags on the floor, Winona shook her head with a smile, "Maybe tomorrow? I'm exhausted."

"Tomorrow it is."

( — )

Before Winona's mini fashion show in the apartment, Elliott insisted he show of the outfit he had been working on. Apparently 'Steampunk' was a new trend in alternative fashion and he had made his own little alter ego.



"Elli— Sorry, Starchild! Are you almost done? I wanna see your outfit already!" Winona called, wearing one of the many everyday vogue dresses she was able to get for free.

"I'm coming! You can't rush genius."

Eventually, he came out from his room, drawing the curtain that they used to separate his room from hers, and the rest of the house due to their lack of doors. Winona gasped at the sight. He wore a beautiful suit with a funky coat tail and gold coloured goggles around his neck. To top it all off, he wore heavy eye makeup and a top hat.

"You look amazing!" Winona chimed.

The pair spent at least 20 minutes doing their own little fashion show to Lady Gaga's greatest hits.

Look at her now— doing the same thing. But in New York, with more friends, and free clothes from Isabelle Wright's many collections.

Eventually, they got tired of parading around, deciding to order a pizza and sit down on the floor. Elliott changed out of his elaborate outfit, but Winona remained in a dress that was perfect for a day in the city.

"So," Winona began, sipping a doctor pepper, "you never actually told me about yourself."

"There's not much to know. I'm from New Jersey, I'm gay, and I've always wanted to be famous."

"Famous, you say?" Winona took a slice of pizza, absolutely devouring it in mere seconds, "Actor? Singer? What's your poison?"

Elliott shrugged, "Singer, I guess."

"No way, you can sing? You have to sing with me sometime," Insisted Winona, nudging the other.

"Well, I don't know. I—"

Elliott paused when a heavy knock on their front door erupted. They exchanged a confused look, before Winona stood up.

"It's probably my friend Rachel. I left my sweater at her house the other day," She explained, taking a hold of the handle and sliding the door open. Almost immediately, she gasped.

Finn. Smiling down at her.

In panic and shock, she impulsively slammed the door. Suddenly, her hands were clammy and she felt the way she did in high school whenever she saw Finn. Butterflies.

"What is it?" Elliott asked nervously, "Oh god, is it a robber? A kidnapper?"

Winona looked over her shoulder, whisper yelling at her roommate, "Oh my god— it's my boyfriend. It's Finn!"

Slowly and confusedly, Finn knocked on the door again. She couldn't even process the fact that he was standing before her. It didn't feel real. Winona then forced herself to re-open the door, looking up at Finn in disbelief.


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