ghostly kisses *angst*

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sad times with Baku, hes kind of out of character. 

The door shut, alerting me off the beautiful person im about to see. Eijiro walks through the door and into the mud room. He carelessly drops his keys onto the side table besides the door and huffs. I smile lightly at him, knowing he wont see me, but i dont care. I hope my presence enough is to make him feel better. He kicks off his boots and messes up his spikey hair. It falls into his face, covering the pale skin in streaks of red. I float towards him just a little and try to move the hair out of his eyes. My hand fazes through though and hes left with shivers. "I really must get that draft checked out." he utters and brushes the hair back. I just scoff and put on a smirk. He starts off towards the kitchen and starts to prepare his dinner. I go to where he dropped his keys and managed to pick them up and put them on our key hook, knowing he would lose them. I smile lightly as memories shine through my head. We were called over for something important one day, and of course Eiji lost his keys that day. Lets just say that Fat wasnt too happy with us. I chuckle to myself and head over to the kitchen.

As he stirs the saute vegetables, he turns to a picture of me and smiles lightly. I freaking hated that picture and goddamn if it didnt make him happy i would have already ripped it. It was me on the wedding day. I had the most stupid grin on my face and i was fucking crying. Ugh. He turns his head back to the dish and starts to cook the meat to go with it. I eagerly float to the counter and set besides the picture as i wait for my favorite time of the day. "So kat, today Tamaki and I were actually able to get Jin today. You know the one i told you about yesterday?" he says to thin air. Everyday as he cooked dinner he would tell me off his day and it was absolutely amazing. His voice echoed off the walls and encased me in a comforting way. If only i could be the one cooking while he blabbers on about his day. I long to just hold him once again. To feel his warmth against my deathly cold soul. He starts to plate food and turns to the picture once again. It feels like he stares straight into my eyes as he gives off a weak smile. "You know i loved your cooking. I could never match up to it." he starts, giving off a weak laugh. I smirk and roll my eyes at the claim. "Im actually taking cooking class to try adn make better food for myself, and maybe try to see why you loved it so much." he starts, eyes glossing over. It feels like my heart stops for a second time and tears threaten to dampen my cheeks as well. He smiles and the tears spill. "in all honesty, i would probably live off of fast food if it wasnt for your meals. You always took care of me and i loved that. I could never cook and it was amazing how i could count on your amazing cooking." he sighs, tears now traveling down his neck. He sniffles and drags a hand under his eyes. "i miss you and i still i love you so much." he admits and takes one last glace at the picture for the night. 

He lays down in bed and gazes up towards the ceiling. He wouldn't go to sleep for a bit and he would just stare. Thats the thing i hate most about being this fucking ghost. I set here and watch the grief in his eyes, the hurt, the sorrow. I cant hold my baby to help him. I cant run my fingers through his hair. I cant kiss the tears away. I cant comfort him and it breaks my heart every day. His eyes finally flutter shut and his breaths even out. I lightly smile and float over to our bed. I gently kiss his forehead and smile as his mouth turns up a bit. "i love you Eiji." i say as i watch over the figure.

Yoo big sad, kinda bad. very short. i  thought you know what fuck it ghost Bakugo and he is soft in this. Also i just want to say thanks for the support. Requests are still open anad everything and i want say i have some good stories pinned in my reading list. Stay safe everyone.

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