Gossip thursdays *fluff*

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We got two bois that care about skincare and each other.

Their legs tangle together in the middle of the couch while their backs rest on the arms. Kirishima and Bakugo both look either to the ceiling or towards each other. They set down in the commons room every thursday night to do this tradition. The tradition being them doing skin care while they gossip about their lives over coffee. It was good the rest of the class always went out on Thursdays, wither it being training or just messing around the city.  Right now Bakugo was wearing a grey mud mask while Krisihima wore a a slightly darker mud mask. Kirishima also wore his hair in a louse ponytail while Bakugo had a headband to keep his bangs out of the way. Bakugo took a drink of the overly sweet camel coffee before ranting about his next topic.

 "So Deku today came up to be all mumbling and ominous like, it was fucking creepy. he was like 'kacchan, can you meet me at ground beta after school'," He emitted Deku's voice. Kirishima laughed at the story already, it contained Midoryia so he knew that it would end up Bakugo screaming.

 "Oh and so thats why we didnt go straight to *insert coffee place here* after school today," kirishima interrupted. Bakugo only nodded. 

"Yeah and so i went to the stupid place and he was just standing there, i thought we were gonna fight again but he looked at me and he was already crying! I hadnt done anything to him yet." Bakugo exclaimed.

 "Why was he crying? It must've been important." Kirishima adds in, concern shone in his voice. 

"That nerd cries at everything," Bakugo huffed out, which earned a slap to his calf.

 "Cmon man, its super manly to express your emotions. Midoryia just happens to wear his on his sleve." He scolded. Bakugo on huffed and continued onto his story. 

"and then he was like 'kacchan,' and then ran and hugged me. I was so confused. and then he goes on and says i love you." When Bakugo said that Kirishima gasped.

 "He didnt," 

"He did," Bakugo cuts him off. "I mean ive been bullying this kid for like twelve years and then he just confesses his love for me? Damn nerd falling for anyone with a dick and cute face." He laughs, inferring that Midoryia would fall for any man. Kirishima slapped his leg again and gave him a look. "alright, fine. i didnt beat him up or anything," as he said that Kirishima let out a breath of air. Bakugo laughs again, taking a drink of his coffee. "I though he was fucking around with icy spicy actually." He finishes. Kirishima nods his head, he had seen the two around together, but that doesnt imply anything. I mean him and Bakugo were everywhere together, anywhere Kiri was Baku was and the other way around. 

"So whatd you do?" Kirishima asks, talking a drink of his own sugary coffee. Bakugo shrugged his shoulders.

 "I told him to find someone who would recuperate that. I dont think i could be a good boyfriend for him, plus ive got my eye on someone else" Bakugo finishes and kirishima gasps.

 "Aww look at you being considerate of people," He coes, teasingly. Bakugo let out a tiny explosion on Kirishima's now hardened calf with a laugh. 

"So how the lucky person that Bakugo's fallen for?" He wiggles his eyebrows. Bakugo scoffs and crosses his arms.

 "Like id tell you shitty hair." He joked. Kirishima pouted. 

"Well i guess its my turn. Im planning on asking out my own crush this weekend." Kirishima grins sheepishly, rubbing the back of his head. Bakugo cocks an eyebrow.

 "The so called hardest boy around has a soft heart. Weak." He teases.

 "Oh dont get me started 'i care if Deku has a good boyfriend', plus you got a crush to, Bakuhoe." He shoots right back. Bakugo just lets out a laugh, and finishes it off with a light smile.

 "I care about that damn nerd, like a brother to me. And so help him if Icy hot is just fucking around with him to fuck around his ass is blown to mars." He threatens, earning a laugh from Kirishima.

 "Didnt know youd be protective over Midoryia." He finishes. His phone timer goes off, signaling the masks are ready to be removed. Bakugo thc's as he removes his legs off of Kirishima's. He sets his coffee down on the table and stretches. 

"Of course no one can be mean to him except for me!" He yells. Kirishima only smiles and gets up from his seat on the couch. They both move towards the bathroom. Kirishima grabs two washrags as Bakugo turns off the water. They set in comfortable silence, trying to removed the mud off their faces. Bakugo managed to get all of it off while Kirishima continued to struggle. 

"Here, let me help dumbass." Bakugo cuts in a Kirishma kept missing parts of his face. Bakugo took a hold of the rag and cradled Kiris face in his other hand. He lightly wiped the spots that need cleaning. His eyes were softly open and his lips were partially open. He looked so peaceful. Kirishimas gazed dropped to his lips once again and his eyes softened. Bakugo suddenly stopped washing Kirishimas face and laid the rag down. His other hand never left his face. He lightly leaned into the hands and closed his eyes. 

"Your hands are so warm, bakugo." He breathed out and his eyes flutters shut. His hands did feel really nice in the cold bathroom. Another hand snaked this way up to cup his face and lightly pull him down. Krisihaima did not deny and leaned down. Lips gentle laid onto his own and a thumb brushed his cheek. He leaned further into the kiss, moving his hands to the others neck, placing his hands right under his face so his thumbs rubbed the blonde's cheek. He leaned back a little, breaking the kiss and his eyes fluttered open. bakugo's eyes followed soon and a deep blush settled on his face.

 "Oh fuck, i wast thinking..." he starts to ramble, eyes going wide. Kirishima chuckles and rubs his thumb on his face. Bakugo stopped his murmers and looks up at the redhead. He gives a light smile to the panicked kid, which instantly helped him calm down.

 "Well fuck, there goes my weekend plans." he laughs, taking so much pressure out of the air. 

"Then lets make a new one," Bakugo says and then crashed his lips onto the others.

I really liked that. I like to thing that Bakugo is more open with kirishima while they are alone. I just like to think they have an indulge day and they jsut chill. Anyways i went to write today and i came on and saw that my story had a lot of votes on it and it really made my day. Thank you for that, i really appreciate it, you know who you are ;). Well thanks for reading and i hope you are doing well. Stay safe.

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