I love you *angst*

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Bakugo is sad about his boyfriend, very sad. Bakugo's pov.

 Massive triger worning for medication and suicide. Please stay Safe yall, if you need anything, im here. I know you probably wont trust a rando with all your probelsm, but if you need a friend i will happily try and help. i Dont condone suicide, please get some help. Try to live, it will be hard, but you can get over this, i may not know you but i know you can get over this, it might take help and some time, but please live. 

Eijiro said one last thing to me before he went on that mission. I love you, Three simple words that would be engraved in my brain till the day i die, which wouldn't be to far behind his. Well i should be addressing you guy i guess. Hey Regect Pikachu, Tape Face, Pinky, and Jiro. Guys im sorry. You just lost Eijiro and your gonna lose me to. Well let me tell you the backstory that leads to this whole mess. Eijiro and i were together, dating, fucking, whatever you wanna say, have been since first year, guess yall were to dense to notice. God thats been five years. We were actually getting married this spring, we were actually going to tell youl next week. Oh how the world is cruel. Well you already know but Eijiro died last month and i just cant take it. Depression was a bitch before his death bur afterwords it was horrible. People say to put down a dog if they're sick and in pain, why dont they do that to humans. Well let me be the vet in this senerio. Im cutting it off before i can get worse. Im fucking miserable. And i know y'all are to, but you have each other. You can get through this, but i cant. I always knew you guys were closer to each other than i can even think about. Im just a introverted egotistical bastard. And im so selfish, god im sorry. But i gotta do it. I cant live without him. Not waking up to his fucking smile these past morning have torn my heart apart. I cant think of a life without that shitty haired bastard. God i loved him so much. Well i hope yall guys stick together, and live for me and eijiro. I know he loved you dearly and i guess so do i. Never showed it but you alll were my best friends, id happily give my life over yours. God please dont be weak like me, keep the "bakusquad" alive, even without me or eijiro. Well be watching where ever we go. Dont be idiots.

 Goodbye guys.

 The pen shook in my hand as i wrote the last words on the tear stained page. I huffed, wiping my eyes. I folded the paper and placed it into a envelope, sealing it. Ive already cleaned out the house, placing what i want each person to have, what to donate, the only thing i havent packed up is a bottle of Tylenol. Smile at my soon death i pop open the top and litter my hand with the little white pills. I push them into my mouth, drinking water straight from the tap. Im about to fucking die i do what i want. Wiping my mouth from the dripping water i go and lay down on the maroon coach. Any shade of red was in our house. Eijiro was a red fanatic. Anything red was in our little house. I smile a little as my stomach starts turning. Fresh tears streak down my face as i lay down on the coach, imagining the fingers running through my hair and Eijiro chatting about his day. Thats how most days went, a show in the background for white noise, us cuddling on the coach, and him playing with my hair while he talks about his day. Those were my favorite moments with him and what i missed the most. Memories flow through my head and i find my mind caught on my favorite on. my favorite memory was the night he proposed, man was it beautiful. That bastard did the whole cliche picnic in the moonlight thing. He was always a hopeless romantic. Hiccups follow the memory that played in my heads. My sobs hurt my throat and my head and the turning in my stomach wasnt any better. Probably should've drowned myself, but that is a messy cleanup and i know the idiots will have a hard time already. My vision hazes and i throw my head back on the couch. My eyes close and i smile. "Get ready shitty hair im coming for you." I whisper and before i know it i lose my consciousness. 

My eyes squint from the bright light shining in my face as i lean forward. A head crashes on mine and the body in front of me falls back. "What the fuck!" I whisper as im finally able to open my eyes. That shitty smile and that fucking bright ass red hair is setting in front if me, basically glowing. "Eijiro" is the only thing i managed to whisper out as tears start down my face. "Yeah its me," he whispered back.i dove forward and wrapped my arms around his shoulders, squeezing so hard to show the amount of love i have for him. God i missed those arms wrapping around me. I pull away from the hug and bring him into a kiss, not a a sexual one but one with so much passion. I wanted him to know of all the love i couldn't express to him for that one long month. He pulled away and looked into my eyes, his slightly crinkly from his smile. "Wait if im here with you, does that mean?" I look up at him. He nods slowly, his smile turning into a frown in a half second. "Why the fuck would you do that you idiot." He growled, then the water works came. His eyes grew glossy as he cursed and yelled at me for doing it. "Im sorry, but i couldnt live without you." I said when he finished his crying. "You idiot!" He cried. "I mean dont get me wrong im glad your here but you idiot!" He laughed out finishing his sentence. He looked up at me, hugging me. "I love you Katsuki," he whispered."i love you to Eijiro." I smiled.

Please stay safe guys. I really hope yo arnt having to go through anything hard, and if you need a friend. Even to get your mind off things im here. Please dont take that path. Im sorry i was feeling like doing agnst the day i wrote this and this was one of the ideas i had on my ideas list. Anyways, stay safe. Thank you for reading. 

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