Tired nights in the common room *Fluff*

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crush? idk maybe

a simple touch of the redhead sent a whole fleet of butterflies into his stomach and a blush to his face. A few words from his plump lips. A few seconds of his existence. Everything about Kirishima could send the blonde into gay panic, and thats what happened most of the time, but today it was worse. He thought it would be fun to throw an arm over his shoulders on the couch, legs touching. This casued Bakugo's whole face to flare up in a deep blush. Of course others would point it out, thoses others being Mina. "Yo Bakuhoe, you alright?" She asked as she stopped chugging a two litter Dr. Pepper, due to a dare. "Yeah whats it to you Pink fuck!" He cursed out, crossing his arms around his chest and sinking lower into the couch. Kirishima, beside him, put on a face of worry and reached over to place the back of his hand on Bakugo's face. "Im fine, shitty hair." Bakugo pushed his hand back and frowned. "alright dude, ill take your word for it." He replied and cuddled up more to bakugo. If it was even possible, Bakugo's face blushed even more and eventually caved into leaning onto Kirishima, head on his shoulder. Kirishima being the dumb fuck he is just thought his best friend was tired. 

A game played out in front of them, neither of them getting to involve into it. They were more involved in each other and their warmth. It was about nine thirty, a hour bast Bakugo's bedtime and he was getting kinda tired. His eyes would droop and he couldnt keep up with the conversations. He finally let sleep rule his body and his eyes fell shut and he drifted off to sleep, trying to get closer to the warmth on his side. 

*Kiri's pov* sorry for the sudden change of povs

An arm suddenly brought him out of the conversation with Mina. The arm now laid on his right shoulder and the body beside his scooted to where Bakugo was now on his lap with his face in Kirishima's neck. Kirishima's face lit up like a christmas' festival while his crush cuddled him. "Yo, Kiri. What the fuck just happens?" Mina yelled, eyes widened at the usually explody boys calmest. Kirishima shushed her and laid an arm around Bakugo's small waist and pulled him closer to himself. Bakugo didnt complain and threw the other arm around the other shoulder and tightened his grip. "I dont know, " He whispered to her, eyes wide with surprise. She smiled and started to lightly giggle. Kiri furrowed his brows at his friend. "You got the hots for the school's hot head." She coed, while smiling at the redhead, who flushed darker. "Oh shut up," He replided, still whispering. "Can you bring us a blanket, im going to lay us out on the couch." He requested, and mina nodded her head. She later came back with a a large fluffy red blanket and laid it across the two. "Sweet dreams boys," she imitated a mother and kissed Kirishima's forehead. Kiri giggled and lad down, bringing the blonde down with him. This action caused him to stir lightly and wiggle around a bit. Kirishima took note of this and released one of his arms, using it caress the blonde's hair and whisper sweet nothings into his ear. This caused him to drift back into sleep's arms and the redhead huffed. He heald onto the smaller boy, and eventually sleep took ahold of him to. 

Okay so thats it, sorry its so short but i liked it and i didnt want to ruin it. If you want more, please tell me and ill deliver. and oops sorry for not updating last night, i couldve sworn i published his chapter. It just totally slipped my mind because i was editing last night with my husband on the phone. Anyways please have a good rest of the day and thank you for reading. 

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