// Forty-Five \\

95 5 19

RECAP: Elora, with the help of the sirens, defeats the demon once and for all. Her and the sirens then fly out to find Maverick; they, instead, stumble upon a full blown battle. Elora and Maverick fight off Dracs; Elora also kills Ian as well as Lyssa, but seems to be too late as Maverick appears to be dying. It ends with Elora blacking out...possibly to her own death?

Songs for the chapter:

Animal by Neon Trees

Runnin' (Lose it All) by Naughty Boy, Beyonce, Arrow Benjamin

Howlin by Naomi Wild

A/N: I just want to thank everyone who has endlessly supported me and this book! It's a bittersweet moment to be at the end, and I wouldn't be here without all of you! So, thank you from the bottom of my heart! An epilogue will be posted as well as a sneak peak for my newest book about Luna (Alpha) Opal! I plan on posting the story on Inkitt exclusively (although, I may post it on wattpad if there is a large enough want for it on this platform ;) ) ! If you don't have Inkitt already, I highly recommend getting it! I'm loving the app already! :) That is all for now...thank you so much and enjoy the chapter! (PS...once I'm finished, I will be thoroughly editing and going through things - I wrote some of this two years ago, and my writing style has grown a LOT in two years, so changes will be made ;) )

I awake in his arms, feeling at peace: a peace I haven't felt since I was child.

Maverick leans over me, kissing me softly as he does so. His lips are warm and inviting, and I feel the need to kiss him longer and harder. He pulls away slightly, his breath lightly fanning over my mouth.

"I love you."

I cup his face in my hands, kissing him more, but breaking off just enough to whisper, "I love you."

He leans away from me, and the warm sun hits my face as it beams through our bedroom window. He outstretches his hand towards me, already off the bed. "Come...let's go for a run."

I take his hand eagerly, liking the idea of letting our wolves out together.

I hold his hand, gripping with a tender tightness, until we make it outside. We strip and shift into our wolves. The familiar sound and feeling of our bones breaking and cracking gives me a euphoric feeling, and I can't help but to howl in delight. Maverick's wolf joins along with a deep howl, seemingly harmonizing with my own.

Our wolves begin to run, the slight breeze feels good as we weave through the trees. I follow Maverick, letting him lead us. The birds chirp and the sound of the ground crunches beneath our paws as we continue to make our way through the forest.

We make it to his special spot, nestling down beside the pond, my head curled under his.

"It's beautiful out today," I say to him through the mindlink.

"It is...I wish we could be like this everyday," he says, his wolf breathing out a sigh.

"Let's try to make it like this everyday then."

He doesn't respond for a few minutes. The sound of the birds chirping dies down, and only the sounds of our content breathing can be heard.

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