// Thirteen \\

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Alpha Haku was a member of the Valient Ula tribe, the first pack of werewolves in Hawaii. Their pack resided on a smaller island off of one of the main islands. It was an island that not many knew about, and to this day, still remains hidden.

His father and mother were higher up in the rankings of the tribe, but due to the tradition of the island, the elders were looked highly upon for their great wisdom. The pack did not believe in a set leader or Alpha.

They didn't believe they needed a leader until one day tension grew amongst the pack as some pack members had made the journey to a main island where another pack resided. They had established an Alpha, and the pack members who had witnessed the authority and power he had held grew greedy for that power.

Haku, at that time, was a couple years past his first shift, and he watched his eldest brother and several of the other young adult wolves become almost thirsty for a power like that amongst their pack.

Haku, unlike his brother, Ano, wasn't hungry for a leadership position. He much rather spend his days fishing and working around the island. He also spent much of his time with his grandfather and one of the elders, Akoni.

Akoni had told his parents to name their second son Haku, for he saw a vision where he would be a great leader someday.

As the tension grew amongst the pack members, Haku had came across a mysterious young woman. Her hair was golden and her eyes were a heavenly golden color to match. Haku instantly felt an attraction to her, feeling that it had to be his mate.

He became closer to the woman over a few weeks. He found out that she was in search for a new pack, and, since his pack was very welcoming, they accepted her almost instantly.

Her name was Keaka. Her name may seem beautiful, but in Hawaiian that meant person of shadows. The elders, especially Akoni, were weary of her presence, but once they saw her beautiful shining face, they decided that she was just given a dark name. They laughed at the irony of it since she was notorious for being the nicest she-wolf they've ever met, and, yet, her name meant shrouded in darkness.

One day, Ano and another pack member got in a bloody fight for power. If it wasn't for Haku interfering, both would have been dead. The pack decided that Haku and his 'mate' should be their leaders. Their Alpha and Luna.

For a couple months things were going wonderfully for everyone until an unexpected death occurred. The death of a young She-wolf. His mate wanted revenge on whomever killed her, and he blamed the 'Luna of darkness'; he blamed Luna Keaka.

Everyone brushed it off, knowing the man must be crazy. But then, it happened again. Another young and quite beautiful, she-wolf was murdered.

At this point, Haku didn't know what to do. He asked the elders for help, and they didn't know what to do either.

On a sunny day, after a few months of no other murders, one of the young she -wolves began to converse with Haku, merely asking innocent questions about her brother's fishing boat and such. What Haku didn't know was that Keaka watched it as he smiled and laughed with the young she-wolf, and she grew very furious.

She became so mad that "her" Haku would even smile at another woman, so she planned on killing her just as she had with the other two beautiful she-wolves.

Later that night, Keaka managed to lure the She-wolf out of her home with her special magical powers. Powers she had inherited from her mother who was a witch.

Once she had led the woman to a cliff where she would manipulate her to jump, The she-wolf snapped out of the daze just in time. She saw Keaka and immediately ran back to the pack's center, where she exclaimed that it was Keaka who used witchcraft to try and kill her.

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