// Three \\

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Mate. Alpha. Luna.

Those three words have been running through my mind non-stop ever since he left.

I'm going to be a Luna. A freaking Luna!

This has always been a fantasy of mine as a young child. My mom told me she had always wanted to be mated to an Alpha when she were younger. She had told me the importance of a Luna to its pack; a Luna is the ultimate mother of the pack, the symbol of love and reassurance, and a leader. Unfortunately for her, she only got an Omega as her mate , aka my father—which she wouldn't trade for anything. She loves him deeply.

Honestly, I'd give anything to have their relationship. Their mate bond is probably the strongest I've ever seen before, even more so than Kaia and Dante's, and that's saying a lot.

My mother has been wishing and praying that I'd be mated to either a Beta or Alpha, but I never truly believed it would happen. I mean, it happens once in a blue moon—which means it is very rare.

Or so I thought.

"Elora, sweetie... have you finished packing?" my mother's sweet voice interrupts my ongoing thoughts.

I scan my, now, almost bare room. The clothes and endless amounts of scattered books that usually clutter my room are now all packed away. I look at my neat, little bed and let out a sigh.

"Yeah... for the most part," I reply back to my mom. She peeks in before walking in entirely, placing her arm around my shoulders.

"Sweetie, I remember like it was yesterday when you first asked me all about what mates were. You were so excited and told me that you hoped your mate would be that Lucaya boy from across the street." I nod at the memory.

Lucaya is the sweetest and cutest boy in our pack. He has always been a dear friend up until he became mates with one of the bitchiest girls in the pack just a couple months ago.


I have always loved the name Celeste, but that bitch has ruined it for me. She always downgrades anyone who seems 'unworthy' of her presence just because she is our Alpha's daughter.

Once her and Lucaya mated, he ignored me.


"Maverick puts Lucaya to shame. Your mate is truly the best-looking and sweetest man I have ever encountered," she says, winking as she does so.

"Ever? I think I surpass Maverick, my dear," my father states from behind her, grabbing my mothers waist and placing a kiss on her temple. She blushes as if it were the first time he had done that, and that's why I admire their relationship.

They always are just as in love with each other as they were when they first met. They are truly soulmates.

"I just can't believe our daughter has finally found her mate, and an Alpha for that matter!" my father beams, his light blue eyes, in which I inherited, gleam with admiration.

"I'm just as surprised as you are..." I mutter, shaking my head with a nervous laugh. "I don't know if I'm capable of being a Luna though...what if I'm not good enough?"

My mother places her hand on my cheek. "Oh sweetie, you will be an amazing Luna, and Maverick will be there for you to lean upon. You two are a team, and knowing you, Elora, you both will make an incredible Alpha and Luna for your pack."

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