// Forty \\

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RECAP: Elora, still being held captive by Israel and the Dracs, is visited by Lucaya who tells her that he secretly released Kaia. The chapter ended with Israel and Lyssa forcing her to drink vampire blood to turn her into the demonic dracuwolf, which she does.

(Day when Elora is captured ~ 2 days before last chapter)

"Are you that much of an imbecile? Announcing that if they don't surrender we will attack is such a stupid threat! We need to just do it!"

I study Luna Opal's stormy face. She's livid that I have just suggested using a threat first rather than simply just attacking.

I know she is confident in her warriors, but I still think if we'd take the risk and rush into fighting, it would end up not going in our favor. I look around the table at the other Alphas and their head warriors.

There are four of us Alphas , including Luna Opal, and our head warriors, and most of our Betas.

Vander, unfortunately, couldn't join in on the meeting as he's currently swamped with doing both the Beta and Gamma jobs. He had insisted on taking on the traitor's previous tasks, but I know he's only being nice.

"Well, let's have a vote on this. All in favor for threat first, raise your hand."

Everyone but Luna Opal and her head warrior, Maxwell, raises their hands. I smirk. I knew everyone else would agree to my plan.

"It's settled then. We will issue out a threat and wait for a response. I'm sorry, Luna Opal."

I'm not sorry. I really don't want to risk it until we are threatened back.

She stands up from her chair with Maxwell following suit.

"You all are making a horrible decision. I'm done." She can't back out now? As if she hears my thoughts, she looks over at me and continues with, "I am Alpha just as you are. I can do what I want. But, I wish you all luck with your plan."

Her and Maxwell leave the board room, letting the door slam behind them.

"I guess this concludes our meeting for today. Let us meet in a couple days to confirm the threat we will be giving out. Thank you." I excuse everyone. As all the other Alphas and head warriors begin to leave, I take out my cell and call Elora. I never got a chance to see her this morning, and I want to make sure she made it to school alright.

With all the kidnappings that have been going on lately, I worry about her safety more and more.

The phone goes straight to voicemail, so I try calling again.

Still no answer.

"What in the hell!" I mumble angrily to myself. I attempt to contact her through the bond, hoping she will at least say something.

I get nothing.

Now, I'm worried.

"Shit!" I quickly dial Vander. He thankfully answers on the second ring.

"Hey Alpha! Whats up?!" He sounds stressed.

"Get the car running, we need to go look for Elora. She isn't answering my calls or contacting me back through the mate bond. Something's wrong."

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