// Twenty-Five \\

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I rush out of school after musical practice. We just started practice on Monday and have already gotten through reading the whole play five times, and today is Friday.

Today is Liz's 18th birthday.

Tonight was the first full moon since Maverick marked me.

Tonight was the night the demon had warned us about.

"El! What should I wear for tonight?" I shuddered upon hearing Kaia's question. She came barreling out of the school's front doors after me.


"Um I mean it is a birthday party so I wouldn't dress too formal! See you later!" I yelled back as I made my way to Ian's car, waving to her. Maverick was at an Alpha's meeting today with the other alphas in our alliance, so Ian picked me up again today.

Honestly, this whole week it felt like he was almost avoiding me. I mean, like he acknowledged my presence and was nice, but anytime some sexual tension filled the air, he made an excuse. Sometimes he would just disappear from the room.

It was aggravating because I needed a release. Also, my wolf has been freaking out non stop.

It's annoying.

"Elora... how was school?" Ian's warm voice greeted me as I slid into the passenger seat. He had been sent to pick me up from school more since Maverick has had an abundance of meetings with other Alphas, specifically those who are apart of the alliance with the Valiant Ula pack.

Clicking my seatbelt, I responded with an, "alright." I honestly didn't even pay attention in school today.

My worry and anticipation for what's to come tonight kept my thoughts clouded. The words from the demon were on repeat in my mind. Throughout musical practice I was basically a robot reciting my lines.

The only person to notice was Kaia.

Speaking of Kaia, her and Dante were good for now, but I knew she was still worrying about when the time to possibly move again would come. She put on a whole facade that she was feeling good about it.

Just like I was with everything between Maverick and I.

But it really wasn't good. Goddess, it was going to get worse. I could feel it.

I had been making notes about Maverick and the demon in my notebook. But every night as I'd read over and try to come up with a solution, nothing added up in my mind. It was like all the algebra equations that were in the notebook prior to me ripping them out; confusing and overall pointless.

The only solution I could come up with was Maverick stepping down from his Alpha position, but I knew he would never do it. It would be his last resort, but, honestly, it was beginning to look like the only choice we had.

He's too stubborn. I know the Alpha position is rightfully his, but sometimes you have to give up something for the betterment of everyone else; the betterment for yourself.

Hopefully I could convince him by tonight, or at least try to, before this demon reigns terror on us all.

And my goddess ...poor Liz. I really hope I can think of something quick, so her birthday can be simply magical.

And not magical in a sense of demonic possession.

"-likes you a lot!" Shit. Totally didn't hear what Ian said.

"Um yeah cool..." I tried to reply without him noticing I was actually zoning out and not paying attention.

He glanced at me before averting his gaze back to the road. "You totally didn't hear me, did you?" He laughed as I merely shrugged my shoulders. I couldn't lie to him.

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