// Ten \\

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"You don't know me, and you NEVER will!"

He slashes the wall with his long claws, tearing through the drywall with little effort. I can see his canines protruding through his gums. His eyes shine like eerie yellow beams of bright light. His wolf is at the surface, anticipating the moment to rip me to shreds.

This shouldn't be how I die.

The crackling of bones echoes in my ears as a large black wolf stands in the place of where Maverick once stood. It's eyes glow, seemingly piercing my flesh through to my very soul.

I try to run, but my legs aren't moving. It's as though he's controlling my body with those damned eyes.

Is this really Maverick? Or is his wolf taking over him?

The brutish wolf slowly makes its way over towards me, eyeing me up as its next victim. Once it reaches my face, it opens its mouth, bearing the long and incredibly sharp teeth. I can't move or even scream.

As it's about to clamp down into my face, a voice lingers in the air.

"Elora." The wolf is talking to me, but it isn't moving its mouth. Is he speaking to me through the bond?

Is that even possible when I'm not in wolf form?

"Elora. Wake up."

What? Wake up?

"Elora! Babe!"

Blinking repeatedly, I sit up, gasping at the horrendous nightmare. As I sly my upper body forward, I manage to whack my head on Maverick's head. We both grimace in pain.

"Oh god! Ow!" I groan, rubbing my forehead. Maverick gives me a questioning look as he rubs his forehead as well.

"Are you alright? And damn that kinda hurt..." he stands up, still rubbing his head.

Tough Alpha, my ass.

Tougher than you, bit-

I nod, pulling the covers away, mentally shutting off my wolf's mean remarks. She's becoming insanely annoying, and I know it's because she's too cranky that Maverick and I haven't completed the mating bond.

Getting up, I walk towards my closet, to pick out my outfit for the day. As I grab a pair of nice jeans with a grey blouse, I respond back to Maverick.

"Yeah... just had a nightmare."


I turn around, facing him while quirking an eyebrow. "What do you mean again?"

"Well, sometimes at night you tend to shake and cry in your sleep... I figured you were having nightmares. Do you want to talk about it?"

Slipping out of my pajamas and into my clothes for the day, I let out a, "nah."

Since the night after the pack dinner, we've been sleeping together. Just sleeping...nothing more. But, ever since we have been sharing a bed, I've been getting horrible nightmares. You would think it would be opposite considering you're supposed to feel at peace and safe when by your mate.

The thing is, Maverick has been oddly well "behaved".

He's still somewhat of a narcissist, but nothing I can't handle. He hasn't yelled at me since the night of the pack dinner, which is good, but I think he's confining some sort of energy. For some strange reason, I feel like this energy is somehow contributing to my overly realistic nightmares.

Strange, I know, but I've never experienced this before. Like, it is absolutely crazy how real these dreams keep getting...and worse too.

"Okay, well I'm going to go eat breakfast. Then we are heading out to the Eclipse pack. I have scheduled a meeting with her and her Beta."

Unleashing Maverick - COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now