// Twenty - Nine \\

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RECAP: Elora found Maverick in his special spot and tried to piece things together after his demon "came out" and wreaked havoc. Maverick also ordered for himself to be placed in a holding cell and will be there until Elora and him find a way to unleash him once and for all.


"He's going to kill us all sooner or later!"

"I don't think he can help it though... I mean like isn't there this family curse or something?"

"He's been a crap of an Alpha anyway, I say we encourage you know who to take over."

I walk in on three pack members that I have briefly acquainted myself with a week or so ago, talking about my mate.

The first one to speak is Sage. She's in her early thirties. She's known as the person who will talk behind your back, yet will be all sweet to your face.

In other words, she's a backstabbing bitch, and I don't like her.

The second one to talk is Baylor. He's a shy guy and tends to go along with the majority even if he may not agree. He doesn't like to cause drama.

I can tolerate him sometimes.

The last one to speak is Sage's younger brother, Thyme.

Weird that their parents named them after spices but, whatever.

Anyways, Thyme is a complete douche in his later twenties who sports a thick beard and scruffy sideburns, and I hate him. Pretty sure he hates me, too.

They realize they are caught talking smack about the Alpha as their eyes go wide as saucers. They're probably scared I'll go tattle on them to Maverick.

I don't tattle, but I would definitely figure out a way for their little comments about their Alpha to get around the whole pack and somehow get to Maverick.

"It's so nice to hear my fellow pack members speak warmly about my mate!" I chirp obnoxiously so they'd know I'm being sarcastic; Baylor is a bit dull, so I'm not even sure if he got the sarcasm right away.

"Before you say anymore nice things, could you please help in the clean up process. Go into the main foyer where Joy will instruct you all on what you can help with. Thanks." I continue speaking since none of them surprisingly make any comments back. They all nod simultaneously; Thyme is obviously pissed that he has to take orders from me.

Rank matters in packs, not age, which is something he seems he needs to still learn.

Thyme scowls at me before they walk towards the foyer, and I have made my way through the house, looking for Liz. I have to see if she is doing okay.

After searching ten bedrooms, the kitchen, and three office rooms, I finally find her in a bathroom, applying some lip gloss on her lips. She appears to be in okay spirits.

"Hey, Liz. How are you doing?" She jumps a bit upon hearing me speak but relaxes once she sees it's me.

"Once everything is all cleaned up and taken care of, Reese promised to take me out for ice cream since your mate destroyed the ice cream cake." She doesn't seem irritated in the slightest, more sad than anything else.

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