// Fifteen \\

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"Elora. Call Vander. Now." Maverick's voice is calm and collected, yet very authoritative in his request.

I nod without saying anything back. It has been a few minutes of us just sitting in the car, stunned at what happened.

Hitting a strange creature who resembles much of our kind was disheartening, yet I feel relief since it didn't look quite like us either.

It has strange fangs protruding from its gums and blood red eyes. Both of these prominent traits make it seem as though it is a crossover of a vampire of some sort. Also, its speed is undeniably faster than that of a regular werewolf's. Yes, we are known to be very fast, but this—this is insane.

Maverick faces me, placing his phone in my hands.

"Call him now, Elora! I need to go check if the thing is alive or not." With that, he slams the car door, making his way to the front of the car. I fumble with the numbers until I ring up Vander. His voice is low as he answers.

"Yes, Alpha?"

"Um it's Elora. Maverick and I just hit a Drac or something like that. I think he wants—"

Before I can finish, Vander cuts me off, "I'll be there right away. Bye, Luna."

Watching as Maverick walks around the Drac, I shudder as his eyes flicker to the intense yellow. As Maverick lets out a low growl, another car comes by, stopping right next to ours. I see Vander step out of the passenger side door. He rushes over to Maverick, his face showing slight panic.

I also get out of the car, making my way towards the front by the men. They are all talking in hushed whispers until I stand directly next to them, looking at the creature.

Its chest is moving up and down, indicating that it is only unconscious. Which is incredible since most would have been killed at the impact; werewolf's included.

Maverick looks at me before turning towards Vander again.

"Have Ian take her back to the packhouse, and let's get this Drac in the trunk. Once it wakes up, let's try questioning it."

Vander nods to his command before looking at me. He nudges his head towards the car, and I follow him over. He opens the passenger side door for me, and I hop in, seeing Ian sitting behind the wheel with a flat—almost annoyed—look.

Vander bends his head to see Ian, giving him a stern look. I look confusedly between the two, wondering why this odd exchange of looks is going on.

"Is there something wrong?" I ask, yet neither man takes notice.

"There's nothing wrong... right, Ian?" Vander grits his teeth as he speaks. Ian gives him a cold look before turning to me finally and nodding.


"Maverick and I will be back, and Ian... meet us up in the shed," Vander says as Ian mutters a, "Yeah sure."

Once Vander walks back over to the Drac and Maverick, Ian slams his foot on the gas pedal, causing me to bolt back into my seat. I can feel a slight headache forming from how hard my head hit the seat.

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