// Twelve \\

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Waking up, I roll over to cuddle into Maverick more, but I'm met with a cold, empty space instead of my warm mate. Frowning to myself, I sit up, stretching my arms above my head. Yawning dramatically as I get up, I make my way to the bathroom to complete my morning routine of brushing my teeth and combing my hair out.

I let out a squeak as I feel slight soreness between my thighs, and we didn't even have sex last night.

I definitely won't be able to walk once we do, if I'm even feeling this sore with only him pleasuring me with his fingers.

Blushing to myself at the thought of last night, I finish getting ready in the bathroom and head towards my closet. Picking out a simple black t-shirt with a pair of athletic shorts and running shoes, I head down the stairs.

Expecting to see Maverick, I am shocked to see a taller man with the same blonde hair and tan complexion. He appears to be an older version of Maverick.

"Excuse me?" My voice comes out stronger than I intend, making the man turn around with a sharp look. His eyes are a similar brown color to most of the pack's, but many of his facial features resemble that of Maverick's.

Just then his small scowl turns into a smile.

"You must be Elora. " He walks over towards the other side of the kitchen where I'm standing, extending his hand out towards me. "I'm Maverick's father, Mathew. Pleasure to finally meet you."

His smile is so bright as I shake his hand.

Just then I become puzzled. Why did I not see them at the pack dinner? Surely, they would've been there considering their son is the Alpha.

My mouth speaks before I can stop myself.

"It's nice to meet you. How come you and your wife were not at the pack dinner awhile ago?" I bounce awkwardly on the balls of my feet as he gives me a sad smile.

"We don't attend those anymore. Especially after what happened to Millie." His voice is low and grave, and his eyes well up but the tears are blinked away before he can actually cry.

Something really bad must have happened to her by the way everyone acts whenever her name is mentioned.

"What happened to her?" I ask with a solemn expression.

"Has Maverick not told you?" My answer is a shake of the head, and he lets out a long sigh. "He needs to be the one to tell you. It's not my place to do so."

As I'm about to protest, a very familiar scent arose through the house; Maverick is home.

"What are you doing here?" His voice is predatory, and I can feel the tension in the air thicken an immense amount.

His father gives him a stern look, not backing down from his place. Even though he is older, Maverick can still take him down due to his enormous height, muscle build. Maverick also has that dark side to him that gives him the ability to literally pop the head off of someone without feeling remorse.

Thinking about that makes me inwardly cringe.

"Can I not come to visit my boy and his mate?" Mathew asks with an eyebrow arched while crossing his arms.

The testosterone is overwhelming as the father and son stare each other down.

Maverick saunters over towards him, letting out a hearty, sarcastic laugh.

"Yeah right. You never come to visit me. What do you need?" His sneer towards his father gives me goosebumps, and I see his eyes flash to the intense yellow before I grab his arm, calming him slightly.

Unleashing Maverick - COMPLETEDHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin