// Thirty- Five \\

143 7 35

RECAP: Maverick and all the Alphas in the surrounding areas gathered to discuss the ongoing threat and attacks of the Dracs. They all agreed to form their battle alliance by the end of the week. Also, Elora's family came to visit and check up on her since she has been missing school. The chapter ended with Elora and Maverick showing each other their love for one another.


"Great rehearsal everyone! Please remember that next practice we will be getting costumes assorted. Elora, may I talk with you for a moment?"

I look over at Mr. Droney, nodding my head. I have a hunch of what he wants to talk to me about.

He waits for most everyone to leave before approaching me near the edge of the stage; his eyes hold a hint of guilt.  At the look, my shoulders sag before he even says a word to me.

"I decided that Lea, your understudy, will be taking your role in the musical due to your numerous absences. I know you were sick, but, she already has clicked with the rest of the cast, and it's only fair. I'm sorry, Elora. You can still be an understudy to the part and help with the backstage crew..." His voice trails, and for once, I hear the slight sadness in his voice rather than strictly annoyance.

It is fair, and I do understand, but that still doesn't mean I'm not upset about it.

Feeling the tears trickle down my cheeks, I mumble an "okay. I understand," before grabbing my backpack and heading out.

This isn't how my senior year is supposed to go. I'm supposed to be the star of the musical, graduate with honors, give an amazing speech at graduation while also boast about my amazing mate who is an Alpha...

Okay...so maybe I'm not going to graduate with honors, and I definitely won't be giving a speech at graduation since I'm neither the class president nor class valedictorian, but a girl can dream, right?

The one thing I have had in that list is the musical role. Just this once, I wanted to shine in it. Now, I can never have that happen.

I can't help but to cry. I try to hold it in, but once I see my best friend giving me her small smile, the flood gates open. Her smile turns into a frown as she envelopes me in a hug.

"Shh shh... it's okay, El." She tries to soothe me, but I continue to cry until I begin to annoyingly hiccup, causing me to be more irritated than sad.

Between hiccups, I manage to get out, "I'm an understudy" *hiccup* "Missed too many practices" *hiccup*

She only nods along, still hugging me close.

After several more minutes of my blubbering, she draws back from the embrace, wiping the remaining tears from my eyes.

"Why don't we go to Wolfie's for some burgers? That always cheers you up!"


Ten minutes later we are seated down at a comfy, corner booth in Wolfies, awaiting our large order of three milkshakes, two deluxe burgers and two large fries.

Okay, maybe I am waiting for all that while Kaia only is waiting for a glass of apple juice and a plain cheeseburger. I need to find a friend who is just as much as a food lover as me so I can feel better about ordering all this food.

Maverick doesn't count either...he barely eats in front of me. Come to think of it, when does he take the time to eat?

"At our last pack meeting they gave us all a curfew. We can't be out no later than eight at night, and no later than six by ourselves... how bad are these—uh—things?" Kaia speaks up , shaking me from my thoughts on Maverick's basically non-existent eating habits. I look up to see her kneading a napkin between her hands nervously.

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