// Twenty-One \\

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It's currently like the beginning scene of High School Musical 2, where the students sit, staring at the clock as it ticks away, waiting for the school year to end and summer to begin. Then they break into song and dance, where everything is effortlessly executed and seemingly rehearsed.

Goddess, that would be so cool, but unfortunately I'm stuck in my last class of the day; Western civilization.

The class is interesting at times, but I can't focus today. My eyes are glued to the simplistic black and white clock hanging above the door.

I begin tapping my foot quietly to the beat of the ticks, anticipating the moment the school day is done and my form of 'summer' is about to begin.

Today after school, the cast list will be announced and hung up outside the auditorium's doors.

I glance over to where Kenzie Peters is sitting. For once in her life, she appears to be nervous; clearly awaiting the results.

I'm not sure why Mr. Droney waits until the end of the day to post the results; maybe for the ungodly anticipation or just because he's a jerk.

It sucks regardless.

*ding ding ding*

"Alright class remember to-"

I'm already out of earshot as I bolt for the auditorium. I notice Kenzie is running right behind me, determination on her face as well.

Once we reach the drama club bulletin board, I notice a group already surrounding it. Kaia is even there. She finds her name and begins to squeal in delight.

She definitely got the part she wanted. I squeeze through the others, not caring that I'm receiving irritated looks.

I find my name near the bottom of the list, since it's put alphabetically, and I notice I have the role...

...of Carolotta Giudicelli.

She is the character who's very flamboyant and spoiled. She's a soprano and is usually the 'star of the opera' until things begin happening with the phantom.

My stomach sinks a bit since I didn't get the role I really wanted, and Kenzie still got the lead of Christine.

I turn around and congratulate her with a warm smile. It is her last year, and she has always been more committed to the theatre than I ever have.

She smiles back, congratulating me as well. I really can't dislike her because she is actually a nice person.

"You really deserved the role of Christine, Elora." She says softly, and I only shake my head.

"No. You honestly do. Mr. Droney knows what he's doing. I'm honestly happy with my part."

She nods in agreement before Jamaal, who I didn't even realize tried out, comes up and happily talks with her.

He got the role of the Phantom which is shocking since this is the first time he has joined the theatre in all four years of high school.

After collecting my backpack and homework, I walk out to the front doors to not see Maverick but Ian.

He gives me a slight wave as I approach the sleek, black car. Lowering the window down and his shades, he smiles. He's looking much more radiant and happy.

I figure it's because of his mate, who I still have to meet.

"Wow, someone's a ray of sunshine today...how're you?" I ask him as I open the passenger side door and slide onto the seat.

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