// Four \\

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I look up at the grand house, not wanting to blink as I'm afraid it is merely a figment of my crazy imagination.

As I waltz up the steps to the large, red oak door, the door immediately is opened, revealing a young boy with sandy blond hair. His dimples pop out as he smiles. He also has bright blue eyes, as blue as the sky.

I smile at him, and he smiles back. "You must be Uncle Maverick's mate." It's more of a statement rather than a question. 

I nod with a wide smile. He appears to be only around six or seven years old. It's funny because he has only spoken one sentence to me, and I already like the kid. I can see his spontaneous personality bursting through as he inches closer towards me.

"My name's Elora, and what is yours?" I crouch down a bit, so I'm at his level.

He blushes, darting his eyes to the ground before looking back up at me. "I'm Duke. I like your name. It's really pretty."

Gosh, this kid already has won my heart. He is the poster perfect child, honestly. 

"Oh, thank you. I like your name, too." I keep my voice sweet, which is very unlike me. 

Just then Duke's bright smile diminishes as I feel a familiar warm hand placed on the small of my back. I glance up towards Maverick. His gaze is set on Duke passively, and I can see Duke physically cower in fear.


"Uncle Maverick ... Elora--" he starts to say but is cut off by his Alpha.

"Duke... that is Luna Elora to you," he says with authority. Duke bows his head in understanding.

"Yes, sorry Uncle Maverick. My daddy is waiting for you," he says quietly, opening the door wider. 

I really like this kid. Although--I look up at Maverick for a moment--I'm irritated by how Maverick isn't saying 'thank you' to Duke. 

Slipping past Duke, I whisper to him, "thank you, Duke." This causes a smile to spread across his face, warming up my heart. 

As we walk into the beautiful house, decorated with a modern cabin theme, I hear voices coming from the large room down the hall. Maverick still has his hand placed on my lower back, in a possessive manner. I take a moment breathe in his delicious scent, a divine autumn scent of apples and cinnamon. One of my favorite smells.

I nudge his side for him to look at me, but he doesn't. He proceeds to push me further down the hall without a glance at me. I can feel the tension radiating off his body, and it only grows as we enter the large room. Inside there are two men and a woman; all are insanely attractive. The woman appears to have the same sandy blonde hair as Duke, indicating a relation between the two.

The one man, who is tall, much like Maverick, has bright, sky blue eyes identical to Duke's, yet he has darker brown hair. While the other man, who is also taller but looks quite a bit shorter than Maverick and the other one, has darker features, his hair is a dark --almost black in color. His eyes are a deep, dark brown, and he's definitely the more attractive one between the two. 

Maverick clears his throat, and everyone turns over towards us, bowing their heads at their Alpha.

"I'd like you all to meet my Luna, Elora. Elora, this is my Beta, Vander. His wife, Joy. Their son is Duke who you just met before." I nod and smile at the pair. They both smile warmly at me. 

I need to congratulate them on making a child who I actually like.

Maverick, then, gestures over towards the other man in the room. "This is my Gamma, Ian." 

Unleashing Maverick - COMPLETEDNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ