// Nine \\

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Slicking my hair into a ponytail, I walk down the stairs, all ready for my first dinner with some of the pack members. To say I'm nervous is an understatement.

I usually don't get nervous to meet new people, but since I will be their Luna soon, they will be judging me much more if I were just a new member to the pack. I figure the best way to act is to just be myself; if they don't like me for me, well, then sucks for them!

I slip on my nicer shoes, hoping this isn't one of those fancy dinners. Back in my old pack, about once a month we would have a whole pack dinner at our pack-house, but we'd all have to dress in our finest clothes. I usually wore the same thing because I'm one that prefers jeans and sweats over dresses and formal clothing.

Heading out the door, I feel my stomach clench in nervousness. What if they hate me?

Who cares. As long as Maverick loves you, that's all that matters.

For once I nod along in agreement with my wolf. She can be reassuring when she wants to be. Which is like once every six months, I swear.

After about five minutes of walking, I make it to the back entrance of the pack-house. Having only been in here once, I hesitate opening the door. Shrugging, I open it and see my favorite kid; Duke. He turns around, pulling his hand out of the cookie jar. As he does so, the glass jar moves and begins to fall onto the ground. I rush over, sliding onto the floor to catch the jar in time before it shatters to pieces.

Getting up, I set the jar on the counter, looking over to see Duke giving me a sheepish smile.

"Sorry...don't tell mom, please! She told me to wait after dinner for cookies, but they looked so good and I had to have just one," he pleads with his big, blue eyes. I cross my arms, tapping my chin as if I'm thinking to tattle or not.

"Hmm I don't know...what's in it for me?"

He scratches his chin, before giving me a huge grin. "I'll sit by you at dinner." I laugh, crouching down to his level.

"Sounds perfect!" As I ruffle his golden halo of hair, a familiar voice catches my attention.

"Duke, you know Elora must sit next to me..." Maverick says, placing a hand on my shoulder. I slowly get up and raise my eyebrows at him.

"But I want to sit next to my favorite peanut..." I pout slightly, peeking over at Duke who is also using his best "puppy eyes" on Maverick. Maverick lets out a chuckle before fully pulling me into his side.

"I guess you may sit on the other side of Elora... just this once."

I give Duke a celebratory fist-bump since our pleading worked. Duke grins before leaving the kitchen.

"Elora. We should probably get into the dining area," Maverick remarks, shaking me from my thoughts. Like, literally shaking me. I have a tendency to "space out" often.

I nod along as I take his arm with mine.

With Maverick leading the way, we walk into the large dining area where about fifty others are already standing around conversing with one another. As we make our way to the head of the larger table within the spacious room, I feel the eyes of many on me, as well as the whispers. I can't quite make out what any of them are saying, but none of them sound bad, which I would say is a good thing.

As Maverick stands, he clears his voice and everyone—and I mean everyonestops talking and turns their attention to their Alpha.

"I'd like you all to meet Elora. My mate and your future Luna. Please treat her with respect." His words are loud and have an authoritative quality, showing his high leadership qualities.

Unleashing Maverick - COMPLETEDOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora