// Thirty - Six \\

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RECAP: Elora is downgraded to the role of understudy in her school's musical, and to cheer her up, Kaia and her go to the local burger joint. After Kaia leaves, Elora is approached by a strange younger man, claiming to be Ian's cousin. Once Maverick arrives and after some speculation, the chapter ended with them connecting the dots that the previous Alpha of Valiant Ula, Alpha Alek (who is deceased) greatly resembles Ian's supposed "cousin." The question is, who is this strange man and why is he so interested in Elora?


Once we make it to the packhouse, Maverick gets out and motions for us to go inside. He's briskly walking as he leads us down the hallway.

He seems unfazed when looking at his face, but just by listening to his erratic heartbeat, I can tell he's freaking out.

"Maverick, you haven't said a word, and it's starting to worry me..." I wait for him to respond but, instead, he keeps dragging me along, practically digging his nails into my arm, until we reach the main meeting room. 

Once inside the room, we sit down at the large ovular table across from Vander and Eclipse's head of the warriors, Maxwell. I look around for Opal since her head of the warriors is present, but it looks like she isn't here. 

Odd, I think to myself. 

Before Maverick can begin to speak, the door opens, revealing an angry Opal. She doesn't say hi to anyone as she plops down in an empty seat next to mine.

Maverick must've tried to leave her out...again.

"Alpha Maverick ... I have been trying to get ahold of you for over a day now and you have not been responding. So, I will be making visits here to make sure you are listening to what I am saying." Her voice is clipped, indicating her frustration towards my mate.

I can't even blame her for being upset. Maverick should be way more inclusive in letting her know what is all going on. She is an ally leader for a reason. We have to have each other's backs. 

"Luna Opal... I have been busy. I was going to be getting back to you but needed to make an emergency meeting with my board. Could you please excuse us." It isn't a question; it was more of an order.

"Aw. I like how you think you can boss me around. It's cute." Her eyes are alit with fury. Turning to me, she winks, staying in her seat. 

"I'm glad you're here...there was too much testosterone in this room before," I say jokingly to her, trying to keep the mood light. She snickers at this. 

"Gotta keep it balanced." 

Maverick seems to contemplate before shaking his head, seemingly giving up. "Fine. You can stay... it's probably important for you to know anyway."

"Know what, Alpha Quinn?" I turn my head towards Maxwell. His eyes have dark circles under them, indicating a large lack of rest.

Maverick takes a deep breath. "Remember the story that Alpha Alek's mother, Ally, may have had another child?" They all nod their heads except for Opal. Her face is emotionless.

"Are you talking about your previous Alpha who was more of an asshole than you? I thought he was an only child?" I feel myself wanting to laugh but shake it off quickly as my mate is currently drilling his eyes into the side of my skull.

"That is what we all thought, but there is speculation that they gave up the other child due to it being a bastard. Ally had an affair with another."

"Wouldn't people have noticed her with a pregnant belly?" This time it is Vander who asks. I nod in agreement. People would've known if she was pregnant... unless she hid out for a few months once she showed.

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