"Good luck Elly" the twins said simultaneously before they hugged me and kissed my cheeks.

    "Can you please get undressed Ms? And please put these on" she said handing me a hospital gown.

    While I was starting to get undressed a couple other nurses came inside the room, setting up a bunch of medical equipments.

   "Good evening - Eloise its so lovely to see you! What a magical moment" Karissa says as she come inside the room.

   A nurse hands her a gown and some gloves along with a face mask.

   "How far apart are your contractions sweetie?" Karissa asks me.

    "About 10 minutes although they are getting closer" I say to her before I let out a loud cry.

    "Please lay down and place your legs up on these stands, let me see what's going on down there ok?" she says to me. She pulls up a chair and throws a sheet across my body.

    I put my feet up on the stands and she lifts the sheet so she could see my lady parts.

    "Ok I'm going to check how dilated you are, this may be a little uncomfortable".

   She proceeds to place two fingers into my vagina and I wince at the slight discomfort. "Ok darling, you are now 8 centimeters dilated, these babies mean business" she says.
    She removes her gloves and sanitizes her hands before putting on a new pair of gloves.

    "I'll check back once again when I'm done checking your vitals" she says.

     She places an IV into my hand and places a heart monitor on my chest.

    She straps a blood pressure machine around my upper arm and checks it before making notes of her readings.

    The nurses push two small baby receivers into the room and proceed to sanitize them.

   Karissa does a quick ultrasound on my stomach. "Ok, your babies are both in the right position and are ready to make their ways into the world.

    Mr. Adams, could you please go and stand by Elly's head for me please. You could also hold her hand for support" she says to Anthony and he nods before coming to stand by my head and holds my hand.

   "I love you Eloise" he says and kisses my forehead. "I love you more Anthony" I say and just as I spoke a sharp pain was felt.

    "Elly, would you like an epidural?" Karissa asks me. "No, I'd like to just hurry up and get this over with" I said as I rubbed my stomach with my free hand.

     "Ok, let me check how far your dilation is" she says. She goes ahead and checks my cervix walls before she smiles at me.

    "You're ready Elly. Now I want you to listen to me clearly. Just breathe and dont push until I tell you to do so" she instructs. I nod my head before crying out with pain.

     Karissa changes her gloves once more before she places her hands under the sheet that's spread across my legs.

    "Ok breathe Elly, on the count of three make one big push" she says.

   "One. Two. Three!" she says and I make a big push. I feel pressure on my cervix and this makes me stop.

   "That's good Elly, you're doing good dear. Take a rest".

   I take a couple deep breaths, trying to calm my heart rate a bit. This is so overwhelming.

   A sharp pain jabs me in the side and I feel liquid running from between my legs. Karissa wipes it away before she speaks again.

   "Ok Elly, after three I need another push, you're doing great dont worry. One, Two, Three!"

    I push as hard as I could before I couldn't anymore and I had to stop. My vision was getting blurry and I felt like I was going to pass out.

   "You're doing good sweetheart. Just keep going" Anthony says and I nod, not having enough energy to speak. He kisses the back of my hand and uses his other hand to push the hair from my face that was stuck down by sweat.

      "The head is here Elly, once the head is out everything else follows through. I need another push sweetie" Karissa speaks. She counts to three and I make one huge push.

   I feel my vagina open up wide and a couple seconds afterwards I hear a cry that warms my heart.

    "Anthony would you like to cut he umbilical cord?" Karissa asks.

   "I would love to" he says as he takes the medical scissors from the nurse and cuts the cord.

    A nurse takes the baby away and starts to clean her up. Karissa wipes my vagina once again and I get a moment to breathe.

     "She's so beautiful Eloise! I'm in love" he says and kisses my forehead.

   I start to doze off before another sharp pain hits me, closer to the area of my abdomen this time causing me to cry out.

    "Ok, baby number 2 is on the way. Breathe Elly, now on the count of three. One, Two, Three!" she says and I push.

    My cervix opens up and I feel so much pressure below that I could scream, but I dont. Instead I listen to the cries of my first baby and try to keep as calm as possible.

     "I see the head Elly, keep going" she says and then proceeds to count to three.

    I make one big push and a second cry fills the room. I feel so much relief flood through me. My body still aches a 100% but the fact of knowing that my babies are here for me to have and hold, finally, the pain is pushed to the back of my mind.

   Anthony let's go of my hand and goes to cut the second umbilical cord.

   The nurse takes the baby and goes to clean her up. "You did so good mama, I'm so proud of you. You listened and that's made it so much easier. You have no tears or any complications, so exceptional for a first time mother. Let's get you cleaned up" Karissa says to me.

    "Ok, let me just get some sleep" I said. Suddenly my eyelids felt so heavy and there was nothing I could do to stop the darkness that took me away.


  Babies are here!!!! Please let me know what you guys think in the comments. Vote and share this story, I would really appreciate it and also give my account a follow.



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