He was so lucky to have him...

But why does his heart still beat for chan?

Why does he still get butterflies as he looks at the man who left him broken?

Why can't he just feel nothing for the man? Is it that hard to give up these feelings? Or does Felix have to keep reliving the heartbreaking memories Chan has burned into Felix's mind?

"Don't say such stupid such Seonghwa~ you know I get nervous easily.."

Seonghwa leans down and he stares lovingly as Felix. Felix froze as Seonghwa got closer.

"But it's the truth.. I love you felix.."

Felix felt his heart almost combust as Seonghwa chuckled sweetly. Seonghwa's hand gently stroked Felix cheek before he moved closer to the smaller, closing the gap between them.

His lips landed perfectly onto Felix's and he kissed him so passionately and sweetly that it made Felix feel content and happy. Things he hasn't felt fully in awhile.

The tender kiss is what gave Felix the confidence to say that he is only in love with Seonghwa and he came to the conclusion the only reason he feels these things for chan is because of their past... Chan was Felix's first... so I guess you can never replace that.

Seonghwa was different anyway. He was sweet, open, kind, cuddly, everything Felix ever wanted.

He was the one.


The night went on and I was starting to feel more comfortable with everyone. I mean at first the atmosphere was a bit hostile, but as Seonghwa is right next to me I feel fine.

"So how did you guys meet?"

Changbin said as he sipped on his drink as me and boys all sat on the long leather sofa all chatting hand drink and just having a good time... well except on person..

"Well Seonghwa came into my work looking for flower bouquets for you guys and I helped him... he began to flirt with me and he gave me his number... after that we just kept hanging out together until he asked me to be his boyfriend."

I answered as the boys all cooed. I felt Seonghwa's hand hold my waist and pull him close as he kissed me on the cheek.

"We met in a flower shop but the only flower I could see was Felix.."

I blush at Seonghwa's stupid statement and everyone makes yuck sounds and I laugh as Seonghwa got all embarrassed.

"Cute~ but cringe babe"

I laugh and Seonghwa hides his face in my neck. I carried on with my conversation with Changbin. It's weird because the boy had changed so much.. he speaks to me with respect and he treats me like a human.

I like this Changbin.

As we kept talking I found myself getting hot as my now drunk boyfriend was all over me giving me drunken kisses and say absolute nonsense. I had to get some fresh air... like now.

"Hey Changbin can you look after this big baby whilst I get some fresh air?"

"Yeah of course, be careful though."

I smile and nod as Changbin drags my boyfriend off me and I laugh at how Seonghwa instantly clings onto Changbin.

I walk out to the back of the club where it was quiet and peaceful. I could no longer hear the blaring music and I could finally hear my own thoughts.

"Ahhh... finally.."

I sat down on the cold concrete floor and stared up at the night sky which was filled with stars, all shining and glimmering.

My only possession (chanlix)Where stories live. Discover now