The Story of a Reaper- I Deserve This

Start from the beginning

He turned around to see Fell and Sans. "Hey... you're destroying my friends AU, AND you came into my AU...if you value having your head, you best leave!" Fell threatened.

Fatal_Error chuckled with a grin as Fell growled before summoning Gaster Blaster all over Fatal_Error, shooting at him without warning or mercy.

Sans shot bones at him as Fatal_Error dodged and blocked all the Gaster Blaster and bones.

Once their attacks stopped, Fell charged at Fatal_Error and punched him, grabbing his skull and kneeing his skull before kicking him in the stomach.

Fatal_Error grabbed strings from his mouth before grabbing Fell ankle, pulling him up in the air before throwing him to the ground back and forth.

Fatal_Error then let go of the string, letting Fell fling in the air. Sans teleported to where Fell would land and caught him.

"Thanks, Sans," Fell said. Sans just chuckled, put him on his feet, "Where are Ink and the others?" Sans asked, "Don't know, but we can't wait for them," Fell growled. Sans nodded.

Sans and Fell teleported closer to Fatal_Error. Sans sent a patterned of bones at Fatal_Error, not like he already knew what the pattern was a long time ago since he's used those patterns...

Fatal_Error dodged them as Fell added more bones to his attack making it a bit harder since Fell attacks are much fast than Sans.

Once Sans and Fell turn was done it was finally Fatal_Error tur-

Suddenly Fatal_Error got splashed with ink to his face.

"What the-" Fatal_Error turned around to see Ink and Error behind Fell and Sans. Fell and Sans backed up to let them two deal with Fatal_Error. "You again?... Why won't you stay out of my way!" Fatal_Error yelled as he summoned Gaster Blaster and bones in the air.

"Hmpf!" Ink huffed. Fatal_Error growled and shot his Gaster Blasters and bones at them. Ink quickly painted an ink wall to block it.

"I'm defense, your offense?" Ink asked Error with a grin, "Tch! As if I'd let you have all the glory!" Error grinned, pulling strings down from his sockets.

"Alright then! I got your back!" Ink chuckled, "Don't make me regret trusting you," Error said. Ink nodded. Once Fatal_Error was done with his attack, Ink put down his ink wall as Error charged after Fatal_Error.

Fatal_Error was hesitant to move away but soon jumped back from Error. Error threw a punch at Fatal_Error as Fatal_Error caught his fist.

Error took a step back before pulling Fatal_Error closer to him, taking his other fist and punching him in the face before kicking him in the stomach.

Fatal_Error fell on the floor as he glared at Error. He stood up with a bit of a grunt. Fatal_Error jumped father back from Error as Error grinned, "Getting scared aren't we?" Error chuckled.

Fatal_Error heard the sound of a portal opening. He looked up where he heard the noise and saw someone heading for him...and very fast at that.

Oh wait, it was Reaper-

Fatal_Error chuckled as he looked back at Error who continued to walk towards him. Fatal_Error grinned at Error which confused Error.

Suddenly Reaper grabbed Fatal_Error and dragged him across the ground. Reaper growled as he kept dragging him. Fatal_Error laughed a bit.

Error looked in confusion before growling, "That idiot!! Reaper!!" Error yelled before Ink and Error went chasing after them, Fell and Sans following.

Frisk and Chara were in the forest, looking for people just in case they fled to the forest, but they suddenly heard the sound of magic being used.

They heard a thud and the sound of multiple leaves falling. Frisk and Chara rushed over to see Fatal_Error getting up before moving to the side, letting Reaper punch the tree.

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