The Story of a Reaper- WHY LOVE WHY?!?!

Start from the beginning

Both of them barked and yelled at each other, bickering and growling.

"Is this meeting over yet?" Life asked, "This chapter is awfully shorter than expected-" LadyLuck huffed. Karama rose a brow at her, "Oi! Quit breaking the fourth wall- Just cause we know they're there, doesn't mean we need to call them out like that," Karma huffed

"That's not calling them out...calling them out is like knowing that Undertale_Trash_Here is gonna read this maybe," LadyLuck said

"If you don't STAHP!" Karma huffed, "What? What's gonna have if I don't stop Karma? I am Luck, whatever you want to happen to me, I can just deflect it with a bit of Luck," LadyLuck smirked

Karma grumbled, "You'll regret your words!" Karma growled, "Yeah...we'll see," LadyLuck smiled.

"I must go see my baby now," Death said, "NO! You have work, your supposed son isn't doing his job," Sin said, "Oh...right...WELL PAPYRUS IS!" Death said, "Death..." Sin growled, glaring at Death, "Okiiiii..." Reaper whined, "Oh, it's alright Death! Reaper is doing just fine! I bet! Last I remember him doing is watching My little pony!" Life said, "My little pony? What, is he 5?" Destruction asked, "Your the 5 year old here..." Creation muttered, "WHAT WAS THAT?!" Destruction yelled

"YOU HEARD ME!" Creation yelled before Destruction started to fight them. For balls of air and matter, they seem to fight aggressively-

"Ohhh...just wait till both of there host get married and take care of there kids, it'll be so wholesome yet so funny that the both of them are gonna have to tolerate each other for there host own good-" Love gushed. 

"Hmm- they'd still go at each other's throats," Wise said, "Sure,'ll be worth it," Love smiled.

"Well...if you say so, but know we have to say about 100 more words or so before this chapter is over-" Wise said.

"Wha-? Only 100?" Love asked, "Pfft- Sorry! Just flashbacks of the last one-" Karma chuckled.

Love huffed, "Well, what are we gonna do now?" Love asked, "LET'S SEE MY LITTLE BABYCAKESS!" Death gushed, "NO DEATH! YOU HAVE WORK TO DO!" Sin huffed, her hair seemed hiss

"Then just end this whole entire chapter now...not like anything is gonna happen," LadyLuck said, "I agree, the person writing this has no idea what to write next, so it's just best we end it here and now," Wise said

"'s important that you know what you're doing Love...right?" Death asked, standing in a dramatic pose, looking down, his blue clod eyes seemed to glow from under his cloak, his skeletal hands, clenching at each other...

Love looked at him, gasping a little before hummed, "I know what to do...I have it all under control," Love said.

Wise shook his head, "She doesn't have it under control," He muttered under his breath.

Death nodded, not hearing what Wise said, "Good, I trust that everything will go well," Death said, "Anyways, I have work to do, as much as I want to check on my child," Death said

"I'll be going then," Death said before leaving like thin air.

"...You think Reaper will be alright?" Sin asked, "With Love in her hands, I doubt it," Wise chuckled like an old man.

"HEY!" Love huffed, "For your information! Love can pass through ANYTHING it's the strongest force that will push through anything and WIN!" Love happily stated, placing a foot on the table, grinning proudly

"Yup...sure it is, anyway, I'm gonna get back to my host who's probably suffering from a nightmare or something," Destruction said, getting up from his seat before leaving, "I guess I'll go to! To beat Destructions host ass up!" Creation said as they left

"Oh, hope Creation doesn't mean that literally..." Life muttered, "What that a sex joke?" Sin asked, "Maybe...depends if it really happens," Life said before standing up and leaving.

"I'll be at the casino," LadyLuck said, "It seems Reaper has a bit of bad luck on his side which will soon come to affect him...such a shame he'll go insane for a little while..." LadyLuck said as she left

"Wait...DID THAT BITCH JUST SPOIL A BIT OF THE STORY?!" Karma yelled "Calm much as she did-" Sin huffed

"I'm gonna slap her ass next time we see each other! How's THAT for karma!" Karma huffed, "He's gonna die if he does that..." Wise said, "I know Wise...I know..." Sin said before Wise stood up and left.

It seemed everyone left but Sin...but she couldn't help but stay there for a little while.

"...Poor are you gonna fix your alternate self mistake..." Sin huffed before she also left.

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