The Story of a Reaper- Fucking Bullshit

Start from the beginning

The skeleton soon kicked the bone out of Edge hand and teleported in front of them before grabbing Edge arm and throwing him on the ground

"What the hell?!" Fell yelled at them as Edge started to get up. The skeleton look over at Fell as Fell stood a step back.

It was like he could feel the determination flowing off of them. He made him more nervous, knowing he couldn't beat him, at least not alone.

There look...the cold look of someone who's seen too much off of him, it was a terrifying feeling...more terrifying than being in the same room as death itself...

As nervous as he was with Reaper being in his house...this is something different, it felt as if this skeleton, whoever they are, can beat the shit out of Reaper without any trouble-

The skeleton looked away from Fell and back at Edge, "Uh-" Fell stuttered before growling. Fell summoned a gaster blaster, " attention you asshole," Fell threatened.

The skeleton sighed before quickly turning and charging over to him. Fell hesitated a little before teleporting to the side as the skeleton saw them and changed there direction, quickly grabbing on Fell sweater

Fell growled as he grabbed their throat before doing anything. They gasped a little, their voice familiar. Their face turned a bit red in...embarrssment? It might not be that, might be because there losing air? So quickly? No...I think this is a weirdo- Fell thought

Fell ignored it and tightened his grip and summoned a bone in hand and started to pierce the skeleton scarred stomach. "Ack-" the skeleton said before grabbed the bone and pushing it away, there face going back to its normal color.

"Nng-...Just who the hell are you!?" Fell growled, "Heheh, none of your concern," they said.

Their voice was too familiar, have they met? When?

How they look, the scar and scarf of Papyrus...where has he seen this skeleton.

The skeleton pushed the bone far enough to where he broke it with his knee. Fell let go and backed up so he wouldn't get hurt.

Edge kicked the skeleton from the sides, making him fly in the air a bit before landing back in the snow. Edge huffed, "Come on Sans...I don't want to let that monster get away without punishment for attacking the captain of the royal guard..." Edge said

Fell nodded as both of them walked over.

The skeleton groaned but chuckled. They smiled in joy, in's just how they remember how it kill with a challenge.

The stood up as behind them stood Edge and Fell. Fell eyes glowed with a burning sensation, "I may not know where the hell you came from...but down here, I'm in charge, and the rules's kill or be killed!" Edge yelled as he held two bones and charged at the monster

The monster smiled at that.

"Oh brother..." they said

Edge looked in confusion before stopping in his tracks, "Where's the hope you once had?... But then again, you aren't my brother...just pieces of him...his determination to get what he wants...the fiery passion he always had...with's admirable..." The skeleton said, placing a hand on his scarf, burying his face in it

"...You're not my brother, I'm done playing with you, I have someone I need to get to...someone I need to save," they said

Fell rose a brow before the skeleton teleported behind Edge, jumping on his neck and pulling him forward.

"Wha- BRO!" Fell yelled. "Ack! AS ROYAL GUARD I COMMAND YOU GET OFF OF ME!" Edge yelled. The skeleton kept leaning forward, causing Edge to walk forward a little

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