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"Shit! I totally slept through my class." I said sitting up

My roommate had left and I quickly put on some black sweats with a red cropped hoodie. I slip on some af forces and popped a piece of gum into my mouth. I grabbed my bag and run out of my room. I run down the stairs cause it'd be faster than the elevator. I run out of the building and into the nearby one. I rush down the new building's hallway and open the door and everyone's eyes were on me.

"About the brai- nice to see you have finally joined us Stella. Have a seat."

"I am SO sorry Mr.D. I overslept." I said walking to my seat

"Next time set an alarm."

I sighed as I sat down. He continued his lesson and I get a text from Jay.

Jaybae: You in class rn?

Stella: yea i was late

JayBae: you think you could meet me in bridge hall?

Stella: nah i got a quiz on friday

JayBae: ugh no fun, it'd be quick

Stella: I can't lmao i have a 30 minute break after this we could meet up then

JayBae: i have class then

Stella: you already kno we're going to see each other later

Jay: ig whatever

I know he did not just catch an attitude.

"Stella would you like to read that out loud?" The teacher asked

"Um nah, I was just taking notes it's easier for me to type them you know."

"Well would you like to share those notes?" 

"Nah we have a quiz on friday I'm not helping nobody cheat." I said earning a some laughs 

"Whatever you say Stella."

Finally class ended and I went down to the cafe I always stay at. I ordered a vanilla bean drink and started taking some notes for the quiz.

"You know I got mad notes for his class."

I look up and see this guy smiling.

"I think I'm good thank you." I said going back to writing

"I don't think you know how hard that quiz is." He said sitting across from me

"It can't be that hard, plus I've been studying like crazy."

"Last year, out of all of his classes of 150 students each, only 10 of them passed."

My heart dropped, this was a big grade and could really hurt my GPA.

"Why would you tell me that, now I'm gonna be even more stressed out, thank you for telling me that." I sighed

"I was just saying, I was one of those 10 people."

"Hm, how'd you pass?"

"Easy. Cheat."

"Hell nah, I have morals my nigg-"

"I'm joking, separate all the notes into category's."

He went on to explain how I can pass this quiz with flying color's. I learned that his name was Miles. He was really helpful, he gave me his number so that if I have any questions or have any problems I can call him. I went to my next 4 classes and went into my dorm. I saw Stassi there and she looked like she was going to go out.

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