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Two weeks later

Life has been fine nothing interesting has been happening. I was in Mason's room explaining how she feels about Stokeley, they're STILL not dating.

"Just date him already."

"I know but, I don't know how to ask."

"Just be like I like you a lot we should date."

"That's too, what's the word, chill you know? I want to be just chill about it."

"I get it, you're your own person, I feel like you'll have you're own style to asking, or he'll ask first. I can ask Jahseh to convince Stokeley."

"Nah, I want this to happen by it's self. But where are the boys anyway?"

" 'Boys day out' they said"

"What?! We should have a girls day out then."

"It's 10 o'clock."

"They got up earlier than us too?! Then we most defensively have to go."

"What're we gonna do."

"Get our nails done, our hair done, shop, eat, go to a movie, fun stuff."

"Alright I'm down."

"You ready to go?"


"Let's go downtown." I suggested

"Not for our nails and stuff right?"

"Nah, for shopping."

"Good cause it's all Asian people down there. And they don't even know how to do nails."

"For real!" I laughed

"Let's go, they not usually busy this early."

We walked outside and into her white G wagon. I was supposed to have this car but nooooo Stokeley loves her or whateva.

Nail salon  

"You any tea?" I asked bored 

"Like 3 nights ago I saw Coolie trying to sneak a girl into his room."

"Was she pretty?"

"Eh? Kinda."

"Damn. I hope them boys know they can't keep nothing from us."


"After this I'm finna split dye my hair."


"Yup, I've been thinking about it all day."

"What colors?"

"Black and blue."

"That's finna look tough."

"I hope so."

"All done." The black lady smiled


I took a look at them and they went hard.

"These are bomb af."

"Glad you liked them." She smiled walking off

Mason got done too and we went to the hair salon next.

10 minutes later

"S-Scarlet, am I hallucinating or is that Jahseh."

I turned my head to see where she was looking and I see Jahseh standing outside a Starbucks making out with a girl with long braids with purple tips. My blood boiled, I opened the door and made my way over to him.

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