Help me please!!! (not a chapter)44

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The real long story short.  I was messing with this older boy he called me sexy and hot and shit, sent me fucking nudes. Posted another girl on his ig. I got mad so I went off on him then I went to his sister and told her about what happened. She said that she's telling their aunt. Come to find out their Aunt is my preschool teacher and works at the church my grandma goes so, she emaild my mom about how she wants to talk about me and the guy. So at any moment I could be in trouble so yeah.  

Long story long. There was this boy who went to my church (A/N screaming) and we got close right, and so then we started talking through ig. He would say stuff like you're sexy, you're so hot ect. (Mind you, to give you an idea of what he looks like, he looks smack like Andrew Goldburg off big mouth, I'm not capping, like he had the glasses the musta-) so he said he likes me and he wants to me to be with him. Also we've gon to private places in the FUCKING CHURCH (we aint do nun) but yeah he said that he had condom on him. so he said he likes me and he wants to me to be with him I never agreed or disagreed. Not to be mean but this was a game, just to see how far along I could pull him. He's in 10th grade and I'm about to go to 9th. Soooo, then he's like you wanna see my dick? I said sure cause why tf not. I saw it and it was small ngl. Anyways so that happened and then a few days earlier I seen him post something on his insta. The fucking audacity of this nigger. He posts a whole different girl and with the caption, I would like you to be my girlfriend. I said "wait, stop the mutherfuckin music" and I commented 'DM me rn' I didn't like like him but it still made me mad at the fact he posted someone else. Anyways then he DMs me, and I'm like why would you post that when not even a week ago you said you liked me? He was like, yeh I never should've started anything with you in the first place, what we did was wrong. So I'm like CHILEEEE, and I said "we, unless you speaking french, there is no we, YOU wanted to send me you nudes, YOU wanted me to be with you, YOU wanted to link, I had nun to do with this. He said I'm right but I don't wanna stop there. So I'm asking questions like if you knew you couldn't keep up something with me then why did you ect. He said not to hate him ect, so then I go to his sister, who is so nice btw, and I DM her telling her what he did, so she said yeah I'm sorry it happened to you, but this needs to stop I have to tell somebody. I said like his parent? She said their aunt Tomi (mind you I did not know who their aunt was). So we left it at that and fast forward to tonight me and my ma are going to the store and my mom tells me that Ms.Tommy (my preschool teacher and someone who works at the church I met the boy at) said that she wanted to talk to her about me and Justin (the boy) at first I was confused cause I didn't know why she wanted to talk to us. THEN IT CLICKED HARDER THAN WHEN I SEE A SHANE DAWSON POST. Aunt tomi, is Ms.Tommy. I just spelled it wrong. So now my moms going to talk to her and I already know it's about what happened. So now I'm having BAD ANXITEY about what's going to happen when my ma finds out cause she will. So I need advice or sum cause I'm not trying to get no kinds of whooping today. 


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