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Christmas Day/ Lucas

I think I was the first one to wake up so I went downstairs in the kitchen and grabbed some pots. I ran back upstairs and started banging them together.

"Alright folks get your asses up cause we got things to do and gifts to open! Get up. I know y'all hear me!" I yelled

"Lucas SHUT UP!" Ski said walking out of his room

Slowly everybody started waking up and entering into the hallway.

"Good morning y'all." Mason said walking out of her room

"What's up guys." Scarlet and Jahseh said walking out of the same room

We all went downstairs to start opening up gifts.

"Alright y'all we gotta make this fast cause I have things planned." I said

"Bet, wait wheres Stella?" Scarlet asked

We all looked around and she wasn't down here.

"Lemme go see where she is." I said going upstairs

I walked into her room and she was there sleeping.

"Stella?" I asked shaking her

She woke up and just looked at me.

"It's Christmas?" I said

"I know, Merry Christmas, now let me go back to sleep."

"You don't wanna open gifts?"

"I don't get gifts." She snickered

"What do you mean?"

"Back in organ we never celebrated Christmas, my mom would always leave with her boyfriend and he'd get her things but I'd either go to work, or sleep or something."

That's so sad.

"Well here you always have gifts, nobody will leave you out."

"Thanks." She smiled

"Of course, now we have presents to open!" I yelled picking her up bridal style

I ran downstairs and everyone cheered.

"She's here!" Jahseh yelled

She sat down in front of scarlet and we started to open gifts.

"This is for you Stella." Jahseh said handing a small present for her

"Woah." She smiled

She opened up her gift and it was a blue Iphone 11.

"This is nice." She said attacking Jahseh with a hug

"Thank you so much."


We all opened our gifts and just spent time together. Stella ended up getting 1,250 dollars yo, this must mean a lot for her.

"Alright, well first and foremost we're going out to eat. We going to Golden corral, and I already made our reservation for 12:00." I announced

"Lucas, it's 11:45!" Scarlet said


We all ran upstairs to get ready. Once we were went to the car and was on our way. Somehow we made it there in time and now we were all getting our food.

"I've never been here before." Stella said sitting down

"You'll love it. It's really good."

"Hmm." She hummed

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