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Then I laughed.

"Yo you gotta get outta here, I don't have a sister." I said shifting my weight onto another leg

"Here." She said handing me what looked like a birth certificate 

I took it and eyed her. I drew my attention back to the paper, her name is Stella, was born 2005, sept 8th. Birth father, D'Angelo Maden, birth Mother, Cathrine Maden.

"Anyone could fake this." I say sucking my teeth

"Mom gave this to me." She said handing me a bracelet 

The same one I had. Or use to, I threw it away once I heard she cheated.

"Why haven't I met you?" 

"Cause I've been staying with her. She told me that she cheated on Dad, but she cheated before I was bored and she was pregnant with me before she left so she didn't say anything."

"How'd you get here?"

"I saw him and I knew you were dating him cause it's over XXL, and so then I asked him to take me to you." She said pointing out Jahseh

"Hmmm, damn. You really look like her. Wait, why did you leave her?"

"Cause she never was home, she'd just smoke and eat all day so I had to get a job and pay bills and I was tired of it."

That's something she'd do.

"You came from Florida?"

"No we lived in organ."

"That's a weird ass state." Stokeley said chiming in making Mason hit him

"Anyways, I should go, I just wanted to stop by."

"Wait, where are you gonna go?"

"I'll find somewhere, I mean we're in L.A."

"Exactly we're in L.A. Child predators natural habitats."

"I could find a Motel."

"You really think I'm finna let my sister stay in a Motel?" I smiled hugging her

"We got extra rooms."

"You sure?"



"Awwwww." Everyone cooed causing us to look at them but they all turned their heads like nothing happened

"Anyways, that's Coolie, Isaiah, Lucas, Jahseh, Stokeley, and Mason."

"Hi guys."

"What's your name?" Mason asked



"Thanks I like your name, it suits you."

"That's what I said." I chimed in

"Come on lemme show you to your room."


We walked upstairs and I picked a room that was next to Jahseh's. 

"That's Jahseh's room, and that's my room. And this is your room." I say opening the door 

"Cool. I love it. Better than our condo back in organ." 

"I bet."

"Shoot! I totally forget about the groceries!"

"I wanna help." 

"Come on."

We walked back downstairs and saw everyone talking and laughing.

"Alright guys everybody gotta help! We getting groceries outta Lucas's car alright."

"I don't feel like." Jahseh said

"Nigga your pizza rolls are in there."

Then he immediately got up and zoomed outside. Then everyone slowly followed. It took a while to get them since I got a lot of stuff. I spent over 300 dollars on this stuff. After we finished getting them inside we started to put them up.

"Scar where does this go?" Isaiah asked holding up some Panko

"In that cabinet." 

He nodded and put it in the cabinet.

"So what do y'all want for dinner?" I asked putting some go-gurt in the fridge

"Ravioli!" Lucas shouted

"No, we want chicken tenders." Stokeley said

"We? Whatchu mean we, unless you speaking french, there's no we. I want Lasagna" Coolie said 

"We should do Lasagna." Mason agreed

"Alright Lasagna everybody?" 

They all shook their heads in defeat. 

"I've never had Lasagna?" Stella said

"You're crazy we most definitely are having Lasagna now."

"Yeah Mom just always ate out."

I sighed and rolled my eyes. She's a fucking deadbeat.

A few hours later/ Stella

I was sitting in Isaiah's room getting to know him. 

"When did you find out you had a sister?" He asked lighting a blunt

"Ummm, well my mom was mad at me for whatever reason, and she was like you're just like your sister. And then I asked her who she was and she explained and that night I bought a train ticket and here I am."

"You're bold kid."

"I'm not a kid."

"Aren't you like 14?"

"And a half." I mumbled making him laugh

"Wanna see how bold I can get?"


I smiled and reached for him blunt and took a bod drag.

"Yooo stop, people are gonna notice."

"No they won't."


"It's fine, it's not my first time."

"You're 14! What were you doing back in organ?"

"Partying sometimes, working ect."



"Sorry. People."

"Eh, it's better I suppose."

"I like you." He smiled flashing his golden grills

"Thanks you too."

"Alright y'all dinners ready!"

"Last one downstairs is a rotten egg!" He yelled getting a head start, but I still beat him to the table

Throughout dinner we just asked each other questions so I got to know everyone better. I think I'm gonna like it here.

Don't know where I standDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora