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"Aye can you help me get my dog?!"

(A/N speaking of dogs, wtf happened to Conner?!)

I looked around and I see a big black dog running towards me with the leash dragging behind him. 

"Come her doggi." I cood as I bent down

The dog sorta smiled and came to me.

"Aww, you're so cute."

"What the fuck Salem!" He yelled out of breth

I looked up and saw Tyler the fucking creaor.

"Woah what is Tyler the creator strolling through my neighborhood for?"

"You're Sara right?"


"My bad, yeah, Flynn texted me about you."

"I know." I retorted

"You coming to rehearsal tomorrow or what?"

"Yeah definitely."

"Alright then, well I'll see you tomorrow-"

"Why is you finna see her tomorrow?" Jahseh said stepping in outta nowhere

"Cause she's going to be a fashion show, and needs to rehearse?" 

"Yo why you aint tell me?" Jahseh asked looking at me

"Cause I didn't feel like it."

"You needa get yo ass in that house right now, or I'ma pick you up and drag you in."

"I can walk thank you very much. And I'll DEFINITELY see you tomorrow Tyler." I said walking towards the house

"Alright bye!"

I then got an idea. I started running to the house and when I got inside I locked the front door so he couldn't get in. I went outside into the backyard so he couldn't pick up the extra key. I locked the back door, the kitchen door, the windows, the laundry room door everything. Then I sent a text individually to everyone telling them to not let Jahseh in cause he was acting up.

"Yo Scarlet you OC!" Stokeley yelled coming downstairs

"So was his attitude." I said grabbing a popsical

All you could here was Jahseh banging on the door.

"Bro, let me in!" He yelled 

I looked through the peephole and he looked hella frustrated. I shrugged my shoulders and went into my room. I slowly fell asleep.

*1 hour later*

"Yo what the fuck Scarlet." Jahseh said busting through my door

I turned over cause I was still tired.

"You don't hear me talk to you?"

"I'm tired Jahseh."

"Nah you finna talk to me." He gritted choking me 

"Jah-" I coughed

"Why you turn on me like that?" He said tilting his head still chocking me

"I c-cant bre-"

"I don't give a fuck, what made you turn on me like that? The fuck that's how we play right?"

"N-no" I said with my vision getting  blurry

"I didn't think the fuck so." He said letting go

I took a deep breath in. 

"X, I'm not fucking play with you no more, you put your hands on me like that again, I'm leaving you. I pulled a prank on you so? Get outchya bag about it. Pulling that bullshit on me like that, must've lost your damn mind." I said

"That's why you ain't getting no kids bitch."

"That's why you ain't getting no pussy nigga." I said

"Fuck you."

"You envy me."

"Bitch, I've been doing good on my own until yo sorry ass came."

"My sorry ass? Without my sorry ass you would've had a bullet in yo head stop playing with me."

"Without me, you still would've been at you house with yo fucked up dad and his hoe ass girlfriend."

"X don't even go there."

"Nah, can I envy you right. Envy what bitch yo low life ass family? Ya broke ass? Envy what?"

"That's why Geneva dirty ass broke up with you. Yes bitch you envy me, you envy how I could get any nigga I want. Fuck it, I can get any bitch too. I got niggas in my phone waiting for me to hit them up, I got niggas waiting for this pussy. And what you got 10 year old depressed females wanting you to choke em, get the fuck."

"Witcho hoe ass."

"Who the hoe, surprised you aint got bumps on ya dick from these dirty ass females."

"These dirty ass females cleaner than you."

"Fuck you mean, my shit smell like baby powder and daises."

"Whatever, I'ma got hit up Jenisis and ask ha if I can come take care of her child for a minute."

"You go do that nigga."

He left I wanted to kill him so bad. Fuck him. 

Don't know where I standDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora