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I slowly opened my eyes ready to hug and kiss all over Scarlet but, she wasn't there, then I remembered. She slept in her own room last  night, I don't blame her though. I saw my door open and then Conner came in and jumped onto my bed.

"Hey buddy, whatchu doin?" I said in my puppy voice

He was the cutest thing ever. I can't wait till he gets bigger and then I can give him this big ass bear hug.


I took a shower and got dressed getting ready for the day. I walked down into the kitchen ready to get myself something to eat. Nothing. We literally have nothing in this fridge. I guess I'll go shopping. 

"Scarlet?" Someone called 

"I'm in the kitchen."

Then I see Lucas walk in.

"Hi Lukey pookey!"

"Can you please make me an omelet?"

"I would but we don't have any eggs or anything, I was about to go shopping."

"Lemme come." He said 

"Alright, let's go."

We went to his car cause he offered to drive. He played some trippie choppa ect.

"Why is it so pack right now?" He asked parking in spot close to the store

"Cause it's Saturday and it's 12 o'clock?"

"Still." He said making me chuckle a little bit

We got out of the car and he wrapped his arm around me.

"So, how'v you been?" He asked

"Good, what about you? Have you had any girls around lately?"

"One, but I don't know?"

"What do you mean you don't know?"

"I don't, after my last girlfriend Jennifer, I've been scared."

"What'd she do?" I asked turning into the juice isle

"She cheated. After 3 years of a relationship."

"3 years?!"

"Yeah, and when I confronted her about it she said she did it cause our relation was boring."

"I'd surprise her broke ass everyday with something different!"

"You deserve better, and you will find better, promise."

"I don't know?" He said putting something in the cart

"You will, and it might be sooner than you think."

"Maybe." He shrugged

"Umm sir you dropped this." A girl said smiling handing Lucas his wallet 

"Dayum, t-thanks." He stuttered

"No problem." She said

To be honest she looks like a black anime girl. She had big boobies, but it was ok cause her body was proportional enough so it suited her.

"I'm Lucas." 

I walked a little further down the isle. I remember a few days ago Isaiah was talmbout some juice box he had and that he wanted some more, so I got him some. 

"She gave me her number." Lucas smiled

"Told ya."

"I guess." He said rolling his eyes

"Whatchu want to drink?" 



I bent down to get multiple cause I like them too.

"Umm, Jah's calling you." He said handing me my phone


S: Hello

J: Where are you

S: At the grocery store, you want anything

J: Umm, pizza rolls

S: Alright, bye

J: No! Wait

S: What

J: I love you

S: Love you too Jahseh

J: Alright, bye

S: Bye

"Awww somebody's in love." Lucas said poking my stomach

"Boy, come on and let's get out of here."

"Ok, tryna brush off the topic like..."

I playfully rolled my eyes and continued to get some things.

In the car

As we were on our way home, I get another call from Jahseh.

"What's up Jahseh!"

"You needa get home, like right now." He said sounding worried

"We're on our way what's wrong?"

"You'll see when you get home."


He hung up the phone and I looked at Lucas shocked.

"What's wrong."

"Something wrong at home, but Jah wouldn't tell me."

"Was it like another puppy surprise?"

"No he sounded mad and worried."

After saying that he sped up. We finally got home I quickly went inside forgetting about the groceries in the car.

"Jah?!" I yelled

I look in the living room and saw everybody gathered around a girl. She looked about 14.

"Umm, Scarlet, I'm your sister." 

Hi sisters 🙈

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