♡Thank you!♡

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(Final A/N)

Hey, hey, hey!

Well then! Tadaaa! The adventure has finally ended. Man, I don't know what to really say. Or how to start..

Well I guess telling by the amounts of chapters, I just hoped nothing felt too rushed, but then again, this was my first ever fanfic I've written. I can't believe I began the first book in 2018 and finished 2 years later.

Oh yes! So here's the story on this Genos x Reader idea of mine cuz I thought it was like a start of like "my" Wattpad haha. One Punch Man was the second anime I had watched FULLY (well at the time since another season was bound to come and it did), Tokyo Ghoul being my first.

[And I'm glad I've seen many other animes up to now]

I've seen other attractive..hOt anime men, but I truly knew the story of One Punch Man, and Genos caught my attention ya know😅😂

And truly, if it weren't for Genos, I WOULDN'T have found about Wattpad. I also can't believe my mind didn't ever think "hey, I wonder if there is an app or website where people make their own stories about anime characters"

Because I thought I'm just being stupid thinking there's nothing where people are "free" to write and share their similar interests.

And boom! Wattpad showed up when I searched, and it was free, and I was like no way (except that ofc now, you have to pay to read some really good stories, but not to write at least)! People who are the same as me! 😂😂

And actually, when I started writing the Genos fanfic, I thought it sounded dumb and thought it was a joke because ya know fantasizing/daydreaming sounds legit in your head, but then slowly, you all like surprised me and began commenting and following.

"The Blond Cyborg" is trending number one & "On My Way To Find You" is trending number 9 on #genosxreader at least of May 26, 2020.

You guys I have so much more to share I just didn't know about Wattpad until 2018!!! T__T



And I want to thank you my readers, and shout out to my silent readers out there too! Don't worry, I understand, I don't like to comment on stories either but you're there. I know you are and I appreciate it!  :"))))


I LIVE FOR YOUR COMMENTS. THEY MAKE MY DAY AND I HAVE READ MOST OF THEM (because on some days, when I'd skip at least a day, my inbox is full of 99+ notifications, and it's so hard trying to read all of them without missing any; Wattpad should lowkey separate comments and votes)

Because I feel like time is quite running out on my end (like future major full on studying), I may post more than one story after this one, and I'll just keep updating back and forth (especially since the stories I've already created have paused from writer's block). Idk how it'll turn out but we'll see.

Hope you all continue to read my next stories! Writing is fun haha. Thank you my reader-sans! 🥺😖❤❤

On My Way to Find You || Genos X ReaderOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora