Falling in-(love with you)-to the Ocean

Start from the beginning

Japan dropped back down beside them, sweeping her wet black and red streaked hair out of her face. Her face was red with cold, but she still had a bright grin on her face, breaths coming in quick puffs of white mist in the cold wet air. Germany braced himself as another huge wave crashed against them, pouring another few gallons of icy water into the ship. 

Some of the crew members were hit with hail and the other flying objects like crates and rope around the ship, which seemed to get larger as the storm progressed. He noticed one of the older sailors was clutching on to his head, where probably a hailstone had struck him straight on, and red blood was oozing out from between his fingers. 

"Everyone under the deck!! Help him!!" Germany ordered, pointing to the injured man. One of the younger boys dragged him up and quickly ushered him down the trapdoor to the lower decks, with all the other crew members followed quickly before another wave could come and flood the entire area.

Japan and Italy hesistanted, Germany was not just their captain, but their closest friend. Germany clenched his jaw, readying himself to stand firm with his ship and braced through the storm together, like he was taught. "What are you two doing? Get down!!" He yelled at them as a strong wind howled passed, sweeping his voice away. 

Another wave was arching toward them, the largest one yet. It rose over them like a dark beast, its frothy white mouth wide and ready to swallow them up. Italy and Japan's eyes widen, and they quickly grabbed onto the railing, staring in panic as Germany spun the wheel again, attempting to steer the ship against the wave.


The monstrous wave smashed down, spraying cold salty water everywhere and probably smashing one of the minor masts to pieces. Germany was flung away from the steering wheel though he gripped on as tightly as he could, flying head over heels as the water threw him off the deck of the ship.

With a big splash he landed in the water, head submerged under the water and half unconscious from the force of impact. The coldness of the water jerked him awake to swim upwards and breath air, gasping quickly as he was thrown around by the ruthless waves. He could somewhat hear his friends shouting down at him, but it was drowned out quickly by the deafening sounds of the water smashing against the hull of the ship and the wind blowing.

"Ita-" Germany gagged, trying to prise his arm free from the water and wave to his friends, but was ducked underwater again, the darkness surrounding him. Coughing out a mouthful of water, he tried to get their attention again. The sky was getting darker, and he could barely see the outline of his ship in the waves off water.

A strong blow to his head knocked him out cold, and he closed his eyes and stopped moving, letting the water envelope him and drag him slowly downward. The last time he heard was his name being called out again...

●●●●(T i m e s k i p)●●●●


'Get up!!'

'Damn humans...'

'...tain Rookie!'

"GAH!!!" Germany yelled as he jerked up, his eyes wide in panic. His arms scrabbled for purchase as he couldn't feel anything beneath his feet, before finding that he was holding on to a floating piece of wood. He twisted his head left and right, seeing only two different shades of blue, a lighter one which he guessed must be the sky, and a darker one that must be the sea.

"Finally!!" A voice came from beside him, and he screamed in shock again, losing his shaky grip on the wood plank and falling back into the ocean, his head submerging in water once more. A pair of strong arms caught him by the torso, and heaved him up, breaking the surface of the water.

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