𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 21

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"𝙷𝚘𝚠 𝚍𝚒𝚍 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚋𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚔 𝚢𝚘𝚞𝚛 𝚕𝚎𝚐?"


Destariya opened her heavy eyes and let out a groan as she sat up a pain shot across her stomach pulling up her shirt she saw that she had a bandage wrapped around her waist and blood was seeping through the dressing. She then realized that her hand had been bandaged up too.

"Where are my gloves?" She questioned herself.

Destariya looked around in the draws but she still couldn't find them. After what happened in the maze she just wanted them to be covered she didn't want to hurt anyone else. Not again. She sat down on the bed and put her head in her hands.

"Who would have my gloves?" She asked herself again.

Before any names could come to her head the door started to open and in walked Newt, his eyes seemed to be puffy and red. He had water, clean bandages, a white bottle, some cotton, and her glove. His eyes met hers and before she knew it she was wrapped up in his arms.

"I'm so sorry Destariya I should have stopped you I'm so sorry" He cries.

Destariya pulled away slightly and put their foreheads together. "Newt listen to me it's not your fault okay? Please never think that"

His arms were around her waist "But I could have stopped you. I didn't even get to tell you how I felt"

"Then tell me. I'm still here so tell me" She whispered.

He shakes his head "No I need to clean you up first" Destariya nodded and lifted her shirt and unwrapped the dressing for Newt to clean he cleaned it with some water then picked up the white bottle. He looked up at her. "This is going to sting," He told her.

She laughed at him and ruffled hair "I've had worse" He dabbed the liquid onto the cut. And although it did sting she bit back a cry. After he cleaned her waist and bandaged it back up he held his hand out. She tilted my head slightly "What?" She questioned.

"I need to sort out your hand" He went to grab it but Destariya pulled away worried what happened to the griever would happen to him.

"No, it's fine I'll do it," She told him.

He shook his head and pulled her hand closer to him "Don't be stupid" While he was cleaning it he started a conversation "How did it happen?"

She sighed "I was climbing down some vines to get away from the Griever but as I was climbing I caught my hand"

"And instead of letting air get to it or using your shirt as a bandage you just put your glove back on?" Newt asked.

Destariya nodded "My shirt was dirty" He shook his head and carried on cleaning it. "Newt can I ask you a question?" She asked. He finished bandaging her hand and looked at her the sun hit his brown eyes and made them look like pools of honey and if you looked too long you'd fall in. His smile was kind and made her heart swoon.

"Of course you can," He told her softly.

She started to put her gloves on "How did you break your leg?"

His eyes widened "How did you know I broke it?"

"When I first came here you were walking with a crutch and even after that, I see you limping. Obviously, the glade doesn't have the right equipment to fully heal your leg but they had enough to make it so you only have a limp" she told him.

He shifty uncomfortably and held her gloved hand. "I used to be a runner. I'd run the maze with Minho and the rest of them but I didn't feel happy. I was fed up with the glade and not being able to remember anything. So I climbed to the top of the maze much like you did to get away from the griever but I jumped off. I thought that when I hit the floor everything would end. I thought that I'd be gone but my foot got caught in the vines. The outcome was a broken leg"

Destariya held onto his hand a bit tighter "Newt I'm so sorry for asking I shouldn't have-"

He cut her off with a laugh "No don't be you deserved to know. In fact, even after the incident, I was the same. I still wanted everything to be over with but then I got close to this amazing person" He smiled at her "They made me feel welcomed. They showed me that there was a reason to live" He looked down "I know it seems stupid but if it wasn't for them I don't think id be here today"

Hearing Newt talk about someone that way made her feel a little jealous. "Oh, who was it?"

He pulled Destariya closer to him and leaned in she caught herself leaning in too their lips were brushing against each other before Newt responded to her question.


He sealed her lips with his sending shivers down her spine. And at that moment Destariya definitely knew no doubt about it. She was in love with a boy with a funny accent. She was in love with the boy who when she arrived couldn't even look at her. She was in love with the boy who cared for her.

Destariya was in love with Newt.

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