But before they could even take a step forward, a chain shot out of Night Fury and its blade plunged itself on one of the Sentinel's head. Night Fury then wrapped his arm around the chain and yanked it back to him, ripping the head of the Sentinel of its body.

This caused the other Sentinel to move into action. Drawing its sword, it lunged forward. Night Fury grabbed the handle on the blade, and used it to deflect one of the strikes of the Sentinel. As the blades clang against each other, Griselda stalked behind Night Fury, waiting for the opportunity to strike. When the Sentinel pulled out its axe, Griselda used this an opening.

As the axe was in the middle of its swing, she lunged with her spear. But then, all of Night Fury's instincts went off. Within a second, he twisted his chain-scythe so that the chain would block the axe then the blade would dig itself on the Sentinel's chin while his other hand shot out and gripped the spearhead before it could turn him into a kebab.

Night Fury smirked, as he yanked the spear off her hands and used it to stab the Sentinel's chest. Sparks of electricity went off from its body as it crumpled to the ground in a heap of broken metal. But just for good measure, he grabbed the hilt of his sword that was strapped on his back, and pulled it out. As soon as it was out, flames enveloped the blade like a wildfire, burning in a high temperature as the curls of the fire licked over the air. He spun it upwards, and brought it down on the Sentinel's ravaged body, killing off every chance of survival in it.

After pulling the sword out of the body and shoving it back to its sheath, he turned around so quickly, it caused Griselda to flinch and step backwards.

"Just give up, Griselda. You've already lost." Night Fury said with a grin. He slowly the chain-scythe fell down inches above the ground, the blade gleaming against the light.

"No, Night Fury. I have only just begun." Griselda replied in a venomous tone. And with that, she pressed a small button behind her desk.

Then all of sudden, the doors burst open, but it wasn't what Griselda was expecting. Instead of her guards, two men in tactical uniform walked in. The first man was an African-American man with a clean shaven head and a muscular body that would usually belong to a bodybuilder. Dressed in a bulletproof tank top with a brown strap carrying bullets that slung over his shoulder, he had a smug smirk on his face as he carried a M249 Saw with its barrel still smoking.

The second was shorter guy, but was still muscular and ripped. A long trench coat was draped over his shoulders, while he wore a black vest inside. Wearing fingerless gloves, he held two combat knives in each hand, spinning them around carelessly, even using on of the knives to scratch the trimmed mustache above his lips.

Upon seeing them, Night Fury let out a groan as he retracted his chain-scythe back to his arm and hung it on his waist. "Henry, Marcos. What are you doing here? I thought I told you I can handle this?" He sighed out.

"Boss told us to assist you, and sure enough, you needed it." Henry replied with a smirk.

"I don't need any help. I could've handle it." Night Fury grumbled.

"Yeah right. Like how you handled Paris, and Verdun, and, Sydney, and Manila, and.." Marcos listed off as Henry snickered.

"Alright! Alright! I get it!" Night Fury huffed out, raising his arms out in frustration. "Thanks."

"What was that? I didn't hear it." Henry teased.

"Shut your mouth or I'll shut it for you. Remember, I'm still a veteran and a more experienced agent. Got that?" He snapped.

"Yes, sir." Both men replied in a polite tone.

"Uhh, hello? Griselda the Grievous here. And you're all acting like I'm no big deal." Griselda waved her hand out in the air.

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