[175] - Alright (Part Two)

Start from the beginning

It was the first time he and Virgil had hugged, and he remembered thinking that maybe that was just what hugging Virgil felt like. 

Logan had no idea why that memory was resurfacing now of all times, or why at all. He sighed, thinking that maybe he really did need more rest than he'd gotten. The memory almost made him smile at least.

Virgil coming more often to him for help when he got anxious made Logan glad. It meant Virgil trusted him, and it also made him learn what made Virgil feel anxious and how to prevent it, which was vital information. 

Certain things were unavoidable, like Thomas meeting new people, leaving his house, Thomas doing something awkward, but many other things such as raised voices and arguments, those could be worked on with the others to make things easier for them all.

His door was opened again and Virgil came into the room with a glass of what looked to be orange juice in one hand and a box of ibuprofen in the other. Wordlessly he put them down on Logan's desk, right in front of him.

"Thank you." Logan said, not entirely sure himself if he was thanking him for the things or for coming back. Both, he supposed, and maybe the second reason more than the first. He found himself realizing that Virgil's presence was comforting. They were friends, weren't they?

Logan trusted Virgil, and he knew he wouldn't be judged by him, not more than he deserved to be at least.

Virgil dragged a chair up next to Logan's, one that had previously been standing by his wall. He sat down, put his feet up on Logan's desk. He had purple socks with spiderwebs on them and Logan wondered briefly if Virgil had taken the time to conjure up those himself.

He grabbed the ibuprofen package and got a pill out, placing it on his tongue and then quickly swallowing it with the help of the juice. He was oddly touched that Virgil hadn't brought him water, he must have remembered when he'd mentioned to him how much more difficult it was for him to swallow pills with water rather than something with an actual taste.

"You're a dumbass." Virgil said after another while of silence, a tone of voice as if the decision had just been made.

"I'm sure you are right." Logan responded. He leaned back in the chair, holding the still cold glass against his forehead, which felt great.

"You missed lunch, you know?" Virgil said, poking his arm. Logan vaguely remembered someone coming and telling him it was time to eat. That must have been at least two hours ago, and that must also be why he was so hungry.

"Oh. I forgot." He said. He put the glass down on his desk. Virgil shook his head, looking slightly exasperated, which he perhaps had the right to.

"I apologize." Logan added, which didn't seem to be exactly what Virgil wanted to hear.

"I just want you to be alright." Virgil said, not looking away even when Logan met his eyes. Logan remembered saying the exact same thing to Virgil, and it was clear Virgil too had that memory in mind. What the purpose was of repeating that he didn't know. Logan was the first one to look away, because he began feeling... that feeling he had no frame of reference for and couldn't really place.

Virgil made him feel that way, sometimes his presence, or the thought of him, other times his touch. Increasingly often too. Well, whatever it was it was the least of his concerns right now.

"I'll make more of an effort to practice self care, then." Logan said finally and Virgil looked somewhat happy with that answer.

"You better. Now, let's get you something to eat, I promised the others I would." Virgil said.

Virgil/Logan | Sanders Sides [One-Shots]Where stories live. Discover now